Firebase Crashlytics and the Flutter Casual Games Toolkit

Learn how to enable Crashlytics in the Flutter Games example to make detecting and fixing issues in your game easier

Rich Hall
9 min readAug 3, 2022


The Flutter Casual Games Toolkit (FCGT) is a starter template for developers who want to create a mobile game app. It has already been customized with a main menu, game levels, a settings screen, sound effects, music, and more. In addition to the template app, you can also download a TicTacToe app that is based on this template.

The following screenshots show the out-of-the-box main menu, game level page, and a settings page, in that order:

Screenshots of the 3 main screens from the FCGT sample app: Main menu, Select Level & Settings
Screenshots of the main FCGT screens

Included in the FCGT are integrations with some useful services when developing your own game: the Apple Game Center, Google Play Games Services, the Google Mobile Ads SDK, and the In-App purchase package. These more advanced integrations are initially disabled because they require some setup by you, the developer, before you can use them. If you take a look at the game template’s main.dart file on GitHub and scroll down to the first “TODO”, you’ll see the code for the Ads, Games Services, and In-App Purchases plugins, lying dormant, waiting to be enabled.

Screenshot of disabled integration code from main.dart file: AdsController, GamesServices, and InAppPurchases.
Disabled Ads, Games Services, and In-App Purchases code

Also included in the FCGT is Firebase Crashlytics, which is a powerful crash reporting solution that helps you detect, track, prioritize, and fix issues in real time. The Crashlytics dashboard allows you to visualize issues in your code, see how many users are affected, and figure out which lines of code are causing them.

Screenshot of Firebase Crashlytics dashboard showing Crash-free statistics, trends & issues.
Firebase Crashlytics Dashboard

In its initial state, without Crashlytics enabled, the code in the crashlytics/crashlytics.dart file gathers error messages, logs, and stack traces and writes them to the console. This information is only available when testing on local development devices. With Crashlytics enabled, you can receive data from users running your production code on their own devices and view it on the Crashlytics dashboard.

This article shows you how to enable Firebase Crashlytics in the FCGT, throw some test exceptions, and demonstrate how the exceptions are represented on the Crashlytics dashboard. If you’re interested in using Crashlytics for your Flutter App but don’t want to use the FCGT to develop a game, the information about throwing exceptions and the Crashlytics dashboard applies to any app hosted on Firebase.

At the top of the main.dart file, you can see the code for the Crashlytics integration:

Disabled Crashlytics code in main.dart file // To enable Firebase Crashlytics, uncomment the following lines and // the import statements at the top of this file. // See the ‘Crashlytics’ section of the main file for details. FirebaseCrashlytics? crashlytics; // if (!kIsWeb && (Platform.isIOS || Platform.isAndroid)) { // try …
main.dart: disabled Firebase Crashlytics code

This Crashlytics Firebase code wasn’t included in the original FCGT YouTube tutorial, Quick start to building a game in Flutter — this code will be explained soon.

The steps to enable Crashlytics in the FCGT are listed in the Crashlytics section of the FCGT file, but keep reading for a walk through of each step and a demonstration of how things appear in the Crashlytics dashboard.

To get started, use the following instructions:

1. Download a copy of the latest version of the game template from the Flutter project GitHub page.

2. Ensure that you have Flutter installed on your computer and that you’re able to run apps on the iOS Simulator or Android Emulator. If you have any questions about how to do this, refer to the Flutter Get started guide for your target platform.

3. Open the game template folder in your IDE or terminal and upgrade to the latest version of Flutter:

4. Select the device or simulator where you’d like to run the app.

5. Run the app:

If everything goes well, the app launches and you see the home screen:

Screenshot of FCGT app main screen
Game template home screen

The FCGT was designed to give developers a quick and comfortable foundation on which to build games. While you have the app running, navigate around and see what it can do. You’ll quickly notice that “game play” in the FCGT isn’t the most exciting (unless you’re a fan of sliders). The shallow structure of the game code is a deliberate design choice to keep things simple for when you start writing your own game.

Animated gif of FCGT “game play”. User clicks “play” on main menu, selects “level #1", drags the slider to complete the level & the “You Won” screen is displayed.
FCGT “game play”

Now that you have the code, go to the Firebase website and set up a free account (if you don’t have one). Then, open the Firebase console and click Add project. From there, creating a new project is a 3-step process, just follow the on-screen instructions. You will be asked if you would like to enable Google Analytics (GA). It’s recommend that you do enable Google Analytics because, aside from being free, it unlocks some powerful analytics functionality, such as crash-free user data, session breadcrumbs, Velocity alerts, and BigQuery integration.

If you enabled Google Analytics, install the Google Analytics Flutter plugin by using the following command:

To learn more, refer to steps 1 and 2 in the Use Google Analytics to get metrics for crash reports guide, but there is no need to follow the additional steps outlined in the guide, as they are covered below.

Next, install the Firebase CLI. Go to the Firebase CLI docs, select your operating system, and follow the instructions. Once you’ve logged in, run the following command in your terminal and it should display a list of Firebase project names:

Now, install the FlutterFire CLI which is dependent on the Firebase CLI, so don’t mix these steps up. To do this, follow the FlutterFire CLI installation instructions.

Using your terminal, navigate to the root folder of the game template project. You’ll know you’re in the right directory if you can see the pubspec.yaml file.

Now run this command:

Select the name of the Firebase project you created earlier. Then, select which target platforms your app supports. Currently, the Crashlytics console only supports iOS and Android, so select those two, at most.

Result of typing “flutterfire configure” into the terminal. User is prompted to select a Firebase project, choose which platforms to support & then confirm Firebase configuration and gradle build plugins updates and FirebaseOptions file overwrite. Final result is the Firebase app IDs for the selected platforms.
Output from FlutterFire config command

The FlutterFire CLI generates all the keys and client IDs needed to connect to Firebase and overwrites them in the src/firebase_options.dart file. If you add more plugins or would like to enable more platforms in the future, simply re-run the flutterfire configure command.

To enable Crashlytics, go back to the lib/main.dart file and uncomment the Crashlytics code. At the top of the file, there are 3 import statements that also must be uncommented:

3 import statements at the top of the main.dart file that need to be uncommented: dart:io, firebase_core.dart & firebase_options.dart.
Uncommented Crashlytics import statements

Then, lower down in the same file, uncomment the Crashlytics integration code you looked at before. This code initializes an instance of Crashlytics if one doesn’t already exist, then it checks to ensure the app is running on either Android and iOS. The Crashlytics code won’t execute if the app is running on desktop or the web because the Crashlytics dashboard doesn’t yet support these platforms.

Crashlytics code in main.dart file: FirebaseCrashlytics? crashlytics; if (!kIsWeb && (Platform.isIOS || Platform.isAndroid)) { try { WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized(); await Firebase.initializeApp( options: DefaultFirebaseOptions.currentPlatform, ); crashlytics = FirebaseCrashlytics.instance; } catch (e) { debugPrint(“Firebase couldn’t be initialized: $e”); } }
Crashlytics integration code

After you’ve uncommented the Crashlytics integration code, use the flutter run command to run the app again to make sure that everything still works.

It’s time to crash your app!

Actually, you’ll only be raising a few test exceptions but you’ll also learn how to locate them in the Crashlytics dashboard. This is useful because an uncaught exception might not cause your app to crash, but can still cause a poor user experience and, without Crashlytics enabled, they could go unreported. The Crashlytics Fatal Error APIs used in the crashlytics/crashlytics.dartfile report uncaught exceptions as fatal events so they will appear in the Crashlytics dashboard and can be properly prioritized.

Crashlytics Fatal Error API: FlutterError.onError = crashlytics.recordFlutterFatalError;
Crashlytics fatal error API

To learn more about how this logging is implemented, check out the guide on how to Customize your Firebase Crashlytics Crash Reports and read the comments in the crashlytics.dart file.

In your text editor or IDE of choice, navigate to the main_menu folder and open the main_menu_screen.dart file. Scroll down until you find the code for the Settings button.

Code for settings button on main screen of app. ElevatedButton( onPressed: () => GoRouter.of(context).go(‘/settings’), child: const Text(‘Settings’), ),
Before (original code)

Make a copy of the ElevatedButton and then, inside the onPressed call-back, instead of calling GoRouter to navigate to the Settings page, throw an exception. While you’re there, change the name of the button to something like Throw Test Exception as shown below:

Next, navigate to the audio folder and open the audio_controller.dart file. Scroll down until you find the _musicOnHandler function. The framework calls this function when the user toggles the music play on the Settings screen.

Original code for _musicOnHandler() function from audio_controller.dart file.
Before (original code)

Inside the else statement, below where the _stopMusic() function is called, use the _log.severe() method to write a message to the console. Any log message with Level.severe or above is sent to Crashlytics, so this message will appear in the Crashlytics console, too. For demonstration purposes, throw another exception here as well:

Now there are two places in the app where you can click a button and throw an exception. Run your app again and verify that there’s a Throw Test Exception button in the Main Menu.

Screenshot of FCGT Main Menu with new “Throw Test Exception” button shown below the “Settings” button.
Main menu with throw exception button

Clicking the Throw Test Exception button generates a full stack trace as of when the exception was thrown and writes it to the console:

Example console output after an exception is thrown with full stack trace. First 3 lines are: EXCEPTION CAUGHT BY GESTURE. The following _Exception was thrown while handling a gesture: Exception When the exception was thrown, this was the stack: …
Console output after an exception was thrown

If you click Settings to open the settings view and then tap the musical note button a couple of times, more exceptions and stack traces will appear in your console. Now that you have Crashlytics enabled, this data is available in the Crashlytics dashboard.

Open the Firebase console, select your project, and then select Crashlytics from the menu on the left. Choose the version of the project you are running (Android or iOS) and you should be able to see the Crashlytics dashboard.

Screenshot of Firebase Crashlytics dashboard showing Crash-free statistics, trends & issues.
Firebase Crashlytics Dashboard

If, after a couple of minutes, all you see when you try to access the Crashlytics dashboard, is this guy swishing around at bugs, it’s probably because Crashlytics hasn’t detected any events yet.

In this case, stop your app from running and then go back to your device or simulator, close the app, and start it again by tapping on the app icon. Now, try throwing some exceptions in the app and check the Crashlytics dashboard again. If you’ve refreshed the Firebase console, restarted your app manually, and you’re still not seeing the test crash after five minutes, enable debug logging to see if your app is sending crash reports.

Cartoon image of man with butterfly net trying to catch bugs. This is displayed on the Crashlytics site when events haven’t been detected yet.
No events detected by Crashlytics yet

If you’ve enabled Google Analytics, the crash-free statistics pane will show you the percentage of users who have not experienced a crash during a selected time range.

Screenshot of the crash-free statistics pane from the Firebase Crashlytics dashboard
Crashlytics dashboard crash-free statistics pane

The Issues table of the bottom of the Crashlytics dashboard displays the thrown exceptions.

Screenshot of the Issues table at the bottom of the Crashlytics dashboard. There are 2 example issues in the table. 1) Crash Fresh issue audio_controller.dart line 197 AudioController._musicOnHandler 2) Crash Fresh issue dart:async _BroadcastStreamController.add
Crashlytics dashboard issues table

Clicking on a particular issue in the table shows a card for every time the issue has occurred, along with more detailed information about the issue. By default, the stack trace is shown, which allows you to identify where in your code the crash happened. As you can see in the screenshot below, the exception was thrown from the _musicOnHandler() function on line 197 of the audio_controller.dart file. This is no surprise because that’s exactly where you placed that exception in the code, but imagine how useful this is for tracking down issues in complex production apps.

Screenshot of an events summary in Crashlytics dashboard events table with a specific event selected and the stack trace tab selected.
Crashlytics dashboard stack trace

If you click on the Logs tab, you can see any messages written to the console by the _log.severe() method:

Screenshot of an events summary in Crashlytics dashboard events table with a specific event selected and the log tab selected.
Crashlytics dashboard logs

Congratulations!! Now, when you go on to write an award-winning game (maybe with lots of sliders in it), you’ll have Crashlytics enabled to help you find and fix any issues.



Rich Hall

Search Ecosystem Consultant at Google and part time Flutter fanboy.