Integration testing with flutter_driver

Pierre-Louis Guidez
Published in
3 min readSep 29, 2020

Unit tests ensure that individual parts of your application work as intended, but what about your application as a whole? This is where integration testing comes in.

Flutter driver

If you’ve never done integration testing in Flutter (or anywhere), fear not! Adding integration tests to your app is a straightforward task in Flutter. A very helpful set of articles will guide you.

  1. An introduction to integration testing: What even is this thing, and how do I set it up?
  2. Handle scrolling: How do I handle the common pattern of scrolling to something?

Getting to this point ensures that your app can run without crashing, that certain screens can be reached, that specific actions have some result, and so on. What tests you create depends on your needs. You can have one test that opens every screen of your app, or tests that go through specific user journeys.

But we can go further with flutter_driver by using it for performance testing.

Performance profiling

Simply wrapping your test with flutterDriver.traceAction records the performance of your app as your test is running. This output data (in JSON format) can be used in Continuous Integration (CI) testing, to ensure, for example, that certain metrics remain above or below a particular threshold. The data can also be used to debug performance issues. For details on how to do performance profiling, see the article on integration testing, Performance profiling.

For reference, the Flutter Gallery has an integration test that goes through all demos and captures performance metrics for a subset of them.

Screenshot testing

Screenshot testing is the technique of rendering the UI, capturing a screenshot of the output, and then comparing the result to an expected image. An easy way to add screenshot tests to your app is to use flutterDriver.screenshot. To learn more and see a real code example, see the Medium article, Testing Flutter UI with Flutter Driver, by community member Darshan Kawar.

This method can be easily integrated into your continuous integration testing setup to prevent UI regressions. The Flutter Gallery has a few screenshots tests and a GitHub workflow configuration to automatically test incoming PRs.

A test that verifies the specified route renders as expected

a11y testing

a11y, or accessibility testing, is a type of usability testing performed to ensure that the application is usable by people with disabilities, such as vision impairment, hearing loss, a motor disability, and so on. Use flutterDriver.getSemanticsId to verify semantic labels, for example, to verify that all images have semantic labels.

A test that verifies an image has a semantic label

Learn more about testing for accessibility in another great article by Darshan Kawar, Developing and testing accessible apps in Flutter.

i18n testing

i18n, or internationalization testing, is the process of testing that an application can be used in various languages and regions without any changes.

Depending on how your localization code is set up, you might change locales using your localizations’ delegate.


Alternatively, when using MaterialApp, simply allow overriding the locale for the app to run in a different locale.

In the driver file that launches the app, set the locale.

Extra tip

Want to know if an element is present on the page?

Credit to Darshan:

You can choose whatever timeout works for your app.

Closing remarks

By now you should have a good idea of what is possible with flutter_driver. You can combine methods to fit your needs; for example, performing screenshot tests using different locales. If we forgot something, let us know in the comments! For more information, see the flutter_driver API docs.

About the author: Pierre-Louis is a recent undergrad for the University of Waterloo. Based in Munich, he is part of a team that maintains the Flutter Material library. He has a keen interest in UI, UX, and app development. You can connect with him on LinkedIn and GitHub.

