Introducing Google Fonts for Flutter v 1.0.0!

Anthony Robledo
Published in
2 min readApr 23, 2020

By Anthony Robledo and MH Johnson

Google Fonts for Flutter was first announced at Flutter Interact in December 2019. With help from the community (thank you!), we have added many new features and improved stability. After a successful time in beta, it is now ready for prime time use on Android, iOS, Web, and MacOS, as Google Fonts 1.0.0.

Features added since beta:

  • Get a list of all supported fonts with GoogleFonts.asMap()
  • Use a font with a dynamic name: GoogleFonts.getFont(‘Lato’)
  • Ensure secure downloads with checksum verification
  • Experience improved performance, especially on web
  • Pre-bundle fonts using pubspec assets
  • Optionally disable fetching fonts at runtime (useful when debugging or pre-bundling)

Google Fonts allows developers to easily experiment with and use any of the fonts from in their app. When the app is ready to publish, the developer then decides whether the user receives the font by downloading it from the API, or it’s pre-bundled with the app package.

We have minimized the work needed to pre-bundle a font, and also kept it compatible with dynamic font loading so you don’t have to change your code if you decide to pre-bundle.

Check out the Getting Started Guide to learn how to include fonts in your app via TextStyles or TextThemes. And once you are ready to publish, learn how to optionally pre-bundle fonts and add the font licenses to your app’s LicenseRegistry.

We hope you find this package useful for all of your Google Fonts needs. As always, please never hesitate to leave feedback, file an issue, or open a pull request!



Anthony Robledo

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