Join us for #17DaysOfFlutter

Shamira Marshall
Published in
2 min readJan 5, 2023

Curated content leading up to the Flutter Forward event.

Banner for #17DaysOfFlutter

Happy 2023!

Why not celebrate the new year by leveling up your Flutter skills? Starting January 9th, and leading up to our Flutter Forward event on January 25th, we’ll be hosting 17 Days of Flutter, a Flutter content marathon unveiling brand new content on Monday through Friday from our Flutter experts. Plus, a chance to apply what you learn and share your work with the Flutter community. Whether you’re just starting out with Flutter, or you’re a seasoned Flutter pro, we have new YouTube videos, codelabs, live events, and other curated content to help you along your learning journey.

#17DaysOfFlutter Schedule

The content leading up to Flutter Forward will look like this:

Week 1

The first week is all fun and games! Watch as Developer Relations Engineers Khanh and Eric build their first ever web game (using Flame) in Learning to Fly Season 2. Follow along as they try their hand at game development, or work at your own pace creating a game from scratch with our new Games codelab. Later in the week, learn about the Flame game engine in a new episode of Widget of the Week. We’re providing several ways to get you building games in Flutter.

Week 2

In week two, we’re dropping another codelab and some blog posts about Material 3 and UX design that will reframe how you think about your Flutter app experience. Then check out The Boring Show — Live on January 17th, hosted by Craig on the Flutter YouTube channel. To close out the second week of #17DaysOfFlutter, we’re demystifying dart fix in a new Decoding Flutter video.

Community Game Submissions

Get involved in the Flutter community by sharing your own game! Starting January 14th, you’ll get a chance to participate in the games coding challenge. Power up Doodle Dash from Learning To Fly and the games codelab by adding a new feature or enemy. You can find out more details about how to share your game with the community on the 17DaysOfFlutter website.

Be sure to follow @FlutterDev on Twitter, to get updates about #17DaysOfFlutter.

(Why 17DaysOfFlutter? Someone on the Flutter team decided to kick off Flutter Forward on a Wednesday, and we wanted at least two full weeks of content!)




Published in Flutter

Flutter is Google's UI framework for crafting high-quality native interfaces on iOS, Android, web, and desktop. Flutter works with existing code, is used by developers and organizations around the world, and is free and open source. Learn more at

Shamira Marshall
Shamira Marshall

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