[Video] Hamilton app built in 3 months with Flutter reaches 1M+ installs

Martin Aguinis
Published in
1 min readMar 26, 2018

Hamilton and Posse, a design and development agency in New York, had three short months to develop and launch mobile apps for the hit Broadway show. How did they accomplish that? Using Flutter, Google’s new mobile UI framework.

Reaching millions of users — with an outstanding half a million monthly active users and featured on both the App Store and Google Play — the apps let fans enter the ticket lottery, buy merchandise, play trivia, take selfies with a #HamCam, read frequently updated news and interviews, and more.

Watch this video case study to see how Flutter continues to help apps like Hamilton succeed on iOS and Android. You can read more details about the development of this app on Posse’s blog post.

Flutter is free and open source. Get started today at flutter.io. We can’t wait to see what you build!

