Git & Flutter: Navigating the Code Galaxy Together

Git Commands Every Flutter Developer Must Know

Shekhar Shubh
Published in
13 min readOct 4, 2023



In today’s digital realm, Git isn’t just a tool — it’s practically a rite of passage for every developer. For those venturing into the vibrant world of Flutter, mastering Git is more than just a recommendation — it’s a necessity. Why, you ask? Imagine seamlessly collaborating with a team, efficiently managing versions of your app, and having the power to revisit or reset any change. That’s the magic of Git in Flutter development.

For those who’ve been following our series, you’ll recall our in-depth dive into the “Top Plugins to Boost Productivity” and the transformative guide on “Implementing Clean Code Principles in Flutter Programming”. These pieces set the foundation, emphasizing how streamlined processes and clean coding directly influence the quality of Flutter apps.

However, one might wonder, “What’s the glue that holds these best practices together?” That, dear reader, is the prowess of Git.

If at any point you feel the need for expert guidance or wish to elevate your Flutter app to the next level, remember we’re just a click away. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us for top-notch Flutter app development services. Dive into this article, embrace the Git essentials, and soon enough, Flutter development will feel like a breeze!

Photo by Christina Morillo

The Bare Essentials: Git Commands to Get Started

Understanding the Foundation: Before diving into commands, it’s vital to grasp that Git offers a structured way to track changes in your source code during software development. As a Flutter developer, this ensures that you can collaboratively modify your app and maintain a clean record of these alterations.

git init - Starting Your Journey in Git

  • What it does: Initializes a new Git repository and starts tracking an existing directory. It adds a hidden subfolder within the existing directory that houses the internal data structure required for version control.
  • In Action: Simply navigate to your Flutter project directory in the terminal and type git init. Voila! Your Flutter project is now under Git's watchful eyes.

git clone - Making Someone Else's Flutter Project Your Own

  • What it does: Creates a copy of a remote repository on your local machine. This is especially useful when collaborating with others.
  • In Action: Use git clone [URL] to fetch the contents of a repository. This not only downloads the content but also maintains the complete version history.

git status - A Quick Health Check for Your Code Changes

  • What it does: Shows the status of changes as untracked, modified, or staged.
  • In Action: Whenever you’re unsure about the changes you’ve made, a simple git status will list out all the files that have been altered since the last commit.

git add - Getting Your Code Ready for Showtime

  • What it does: Adds changes in the working directory to the staging area. It tells Git that you want to include these changes in the next commit.
  • In Action: Use git add [file-name] to stage a specific file or git add . to stage all changes in the directory.

git commit - Making Your Mark in the Project's History

  • What it does: Captures a snapshot of the project’s currently staged changes. Commits come with a brief description (commit message) to help you (and others) understand what’s been done.
  • In Action: After staging your changes, use git commit -m "Descriptive message here" to lock them in with a useful annotation.
Photo by Simon Berger

Playing Well with Others: Branching and Merging

Why Branching Matters: Think of your app’s codebase as a tree. While the main body (or the master/main branch) represents the stable version of your app, sometimes you need to sprout branches to develop new features or fix bugs without disturbing the main trunk. Once you're satisfied, you can merge these branches back, combining their changes with the main tree.

git branch - Creating and Navigating the Project's Pathways

  • What it does: Manages branches within your repository. You can create, list, rename, or delete branches as needed.
  • In Action:
  • To list all branches: git branch
  • To create a new branch: git branch [branch-name]
  • To delete a branch: git branch -d [branch-name]

git checkout - Flipping Between Your Workspaces

  • What it does: Allows you to switch between different branches and navigate the various paths of your Flutter app’s development.
  • In Action:
  • To switch to a branch: git checkout [branch-name]
  • Pro Tip: You can create and switch to a new branch in one command using git checkout -b [new-branch-name].

git merge - Bringing Great Ideas Together

  • What it does: Integrate changes from one branch into another. This is the step where your feature branches, once tested and refined, get merged back into the main branch, combining their histories.
  • In Action:
  • Ensure you’re in the branch you want to merge into (usually the master or main branch): git checkout master
  • Then, merge the desired branch: git merge [branch-name]
  • Note: Merging can sometimes result in conflicts, especially if the same part of the code has been modified in both branches. Git will highlight these conflicts, allowing developers to manually resolve them.

The Power of Teamwork 💪

Branching and merging are like the collaborative muscles of Git. They allow multiple developers to work simultaneously on different aspects of a Flutter app. By separating concerns and then thoughtfully integrating changes, teams can ensure that the main version remains stable, while also continuously innovating and improving.

By mastering these branching and merging commands, you can truly harness the collaborative potential of Git, ensuring that every team member’s contributions are seamlessly integrated into the evolving tapestry of the app.

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Stay Connected: Working with Online Repositories

The Beauty of Distributed Development

While local repositories empower individual developers to manage and track changes on their machines, online (or remote) repositories act as a central hub for collaboration. Platforms like GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket house these online repositories, enabling multiple developers to push, pull, and review each other’s work. For a Flutter app, this means that teams scattered across the globe can collaboratively build, test, and refine their application in real-time.

Understanding ‘Remote’: A ‘remote’ in Git is a common repository that all team members use to exchange their changes. In most cases, the ‘remote’ will be hosted on a server, accessible over the network.

git remote - Managing and Viewing Remote Repositories

  • What it does: Lets you view the remote repositories connected to your local repository and manage the set of remotes you’re tracking.
  • In Action:
  • To list all connected remote repositories: git remote -v
  • To add a new remote repository: git remote add [name] [URL]
  • To remove a remote connection: git remote rm [name]

git push - Sending Your Updates to the World

  • What it does: Uploads your commits from a local branch to its remote counterpart.
  • In Action:
  • To push a branch to the remote: git push [remote-name] [branch-name]
  • Commonly, developers use git push origin master to push changes from their local master branch to the remote repository on platforms like GitHub.

git pull - Receiving the Latest and Greatest in Flutter Updates

  • What it does: Fetches changes from a remote repository branch and merges them into your current local branch.
  • In Action:
  • To pull changes from a remote branch: git pull [remote-name] [branch-name]
  • This ensures that you’re always updated with the team’s collective progress.

git fetch - The Polite Version of Pull

  • What it does: Grabs the latest changes from a remote without automatically merging them. This allows you to review updates before integrating them.
  • In Action:
  • To fetch updates without merging: git fetch [remote-name]

A Collaborative Symphony

Online repositories are like the concert halls of the software world, where each developer’s individual “tune” contributes to a harmonious collective output. By understanding and mastering remote operations, Flutter developers ensure that their individual contributions beautifully align with the team’s overarching vision.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

Oops Moments: Fixing Mistakes in Git

Everyone Slips Sometimes: In the realm of coding, mistakes aren’t just probable; they’re inevitable. Whether it’s a typo, an unintentional file deletion, or a major code malfunction, Git offers tools to undo, rectify, and refine.

git reset - The "Ctrl+Z" of Git

  • What it does: Resets your index and working directory to the state of a specific commit. Depending on the mode you use, you can retain or discard changes made after the specified commit.
  • In Action:
  • Soft Reset (git reset --soft [commit-hash]): Moves the HEAD and index to the specified commit, keeping working directory unchanged. Perfect for when you want to redo the last commit message or combine multiple commits.
  • Mixed Reset (default mode): Similar to soft reset but also updates the index. Useful for undoing changes in the staging area.
  • Hard Reset (git reset --hard [commit-hash]): Reverts the working directory, index, and HEAD to a previous state. Use with caution, as it discards all changes.

git revert - Taking a Step Back, Without Erasing History

  • What it does: Creates a new commit that undoes changes from a previous commit. It’s like saying, “Let’s pretend that last change never happened,” but still keeping a record of it.
  • In Action:
  • To undo a specific commit: git revert [commit-hash]
  • This command will create a new commit with the inverse of the specified commit’s changes.

git reflog - The Time Machine of Your Git Actions

  • What it does: Offers a log of where your HEAD and branch references have been. It’s a lifeline when you think you’ve lost commits.
  • In Action:
  • To view the reflog: git reflog
  • Each entry shows an action (like a commit, rebase, or merge). If you’ve lost track of a branch or commit, reflog can help you find it.

git checkout - Recovering Deleted Files

  • What it does: While commonly used for switching branches, it can also restore files to a previous state.
  • In Action:
  • If you’ve accidentally deleted a file: git checkout HEAD -- [file-name] will restore it to the last committed state.

Take a Deep Breath

The beauty of Git lies not just in its ability to track changes but also in its forgiving nature. While diving into the world of Flutter development, always remember: with Git, you have the tools to correct course and keep sailing smoothly.

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Advanced Yet Handy: Tools to Level Up Your Git Game

Beyond the Basics

As your Flutter projects grow and your collaborations deepen, relying solely on basic Git commands might not suffice. Here’s where Git’s advanced tools come into play, enabling sophisticated version control operations tailored for complex scenarios.

git stash - A Safe Place for Your Half-Baked Code

  • What it does: Temporarily saves changes that you don’t want to commit immediately. It’s like a pause button for your current changes, allowing you to switch contexts.
  • In Action:
  • To stash your changes: git stash
  • To bring them back: git stash pop

git cherry-pick - Hand-Picking the Best Parts

  • What it does: Allows you to apply changes from specific commits without merging an entire branch. It’s like selecting your favorite cherries from a bowl.
  • In Action:
  • To apply a commit from another branch: git cherry-pick [commit-hash]

git bisect - Detective Work to Find What Broke Your Flutter App

  • What it does: Helps identify the commit that introduced a bug using a binary search approach.
  • In Action:
  • Start the bisect process: git bisect start
  • Mark a known good commit: git bisect good [old-commit-hash]
  • Mark the bad commit (where the bug is present): git bisect bad [recent-commit-hash]
  • Git will then check out a commit in the middle for you to test. Based on whether it’s good or bad, Git narrows down the range until it pinpoints the culprit commit.

git tag - Marking Milestones in Your Project's Journey

  • What it does: Allows you to tag specific points in your project’s history, typically used for version releases.
  • In Action:
  • To mark a commit with a tag: git tag [version-number]
  • Tags can also be annotated with messages, signed with GPG, and more, providing context for each milestone.

git rebase - A Cleaner Project Timeline

  • What it does: Allows you to move a series of commits to a new base commit, effectively rewriting history. It’s a way to achieve a linear project history without merge commits.
  • In Action:
  • After checking out the feature branch you want to rebase: git rebase [base-branch-name]
  • Note: Rebasing can lead to conflicts, so it’s essential to understand its implications and use it judiciously.

Boost Your Confidence

While the world of Flutter is vast and dynamic, having these advanced Git tools under your belt ensures that you can navigate the most intricate challenges with confidence and precision.

Photo by Tim Gouw

Golden Rules: Git Best Practices for Flutter Enthusiasts

Why Best Practices Matter: As your Flutter projects grow in complexity and collaboration, maintaining clarity, consistency, and cleanliness in your Git history becomes paramount. By adhering to best practices, you ensure not just the integrity of your codebase but also foster effective collaboration among team members.

Commit Early, Commit Often

  • Principle: Small, incremental commits are easier to understand and manage. Instead of waiting for a feature to be completely polished, commit its development in stages.
  • Why it’s golden: It facilitates easier debugging, offers flexibility in rolling back, and provides a more granular view of the development progress.

Craft Meaningful Commit Messages

  • Principle: Every commit should be accompanied by a concise and descriptive message explaining the “why” and “what” of the change.
  • Why it’s golden: Clear commit messages help teammates (and your future self) understand the rationale behind each change, aiding in code reviews and debugging.

Keep a Clean, Linear History

  • Principle: While branching is powerful, strive to maintain a linear commit history through techniques like rebasing and avoiding unnecessary merge commits.
  • Why it’s golden: A linear history is easier to follow, understand, and troubleshoot.

Sync Regularly with the Remote Repository

  • Principle: Regularly pull from and push to the remote repository to stay updated with the team's changes and share your contributions.
  • Why it’s golden: This reduces the chances of merge conflicts and ensures everyone is on the same page.

Avoid Altering Published History

  • Principle: Once commits are pushed to a public branch or shared with others, avoid using commands that alter history, like git rebase or git push --force.
  • Why it’s golden: Rewriting published history can confuse other developers and disrupt their work.

Use Branches Strategically

  • Principle: Adopt a branching strategy, like feature branching or Gitflow, to organize work, separate concerns, and facilitate collaboration.
  • Why it’s golden: A systematic branching approach ensures that the main codebase remains stable while allowing parallel development and experimentation.

Always Review Before Merging

  • Principle: Before merging branches, especially into the main or production branch, conduct code reviews.
  • Why it’s golden: Reviews catch bugs, ensure code quality, and promote knowledge sharing among team members.

Stay Informed and Updated

  • Principle: Git, like Flutter, evolves. Stay updated with its features, techniques, and best practices.
  • Why it’s golden: Embracing new tools and methods can boost efficiency, security, and collaboration in your Flutter projects.

Beyond the Commands

While knowing Git commands is essential, understanding and embracing the philosophy behind these best practices truly amplifies your prowess as a Flutter developer. It’s the harmony between the “how” and the “why” that elevates the development journey.


In the ever-evolving landscape of Flutter app development, mastering the intricate dance of Git commands and best practices isn’t just an advantage — it’s a necessity. Git, with its powerful tools and functionalities, serves as the backbone of collaborative software development, ensuring that every line of code, every feature addition, and every bug fix is tracked, refined, and optimized. Whether you’re a budding Flutter enthusiast or a seasoned developer, understanding Git is tantamount to ensuring your projects are scalable, efficient, and team-friendly.

Yet, like every tool, Git is most effective when wielded with expertise. Through this guide, we aimed to shed light on the nuances of Git, from its foundational commands to the advanced techniques. The journey with Git, much like Flutter, is continuous, filled with learnings, refinements, and occasional “Oops” moments. But remember, every command you master and every best practice you adopt brings you one step closer to Flutter development excellence.

Ready to Elevate Your Flutter Game?

Navigating the intricacies of Git and Flutter can sometimes feel overwhelming. But you don’t have to traverse this journey alone. Whether you’re looking to fine-tune your app, troubleshoot a pesky issue, or kickstart a brand-new Flutter project, our team of experts is here to guide, support, and collaborate. Reach out to us today at, and let’s transform your Flutter visions into tangible, dynamic applications.

Further Reading: Dive Deeper into the World of Git and Flutter

For those insatiably curious minds eager to delve even deeper, here’s a curated list of resources to enhance your understanding and mastery of Git and Flutter:

Books on Git:

  • Pro Git by Scott Chacon and Ben Straub — An in-depth exploration of Git, from basics to the most advanced topics.
  • Git Pocket Guide by Richard E. Silverman — A quick reference guide to commonly used Git commands and practices.

Online Platforms

Interactive Learning:

Blogs and Communities:

Remember, the learning journey in tech is unending. Each article read, tutorial completed, and project built adds a new layer to your expertise. So keep that passion burning, stay curious, and continuously hone your skills. And as always, for any tailored guidance or collaboration in Flutter, our team remains at your beck and call.



Shekhar Shubh

Tech Enthusiast, Word Whisperer, Future Gazer. I thrive at the intersection of technology, storytelling, and insight.