Flutter Animations

Flutter Animations Master Class

Kushal Goel
Published in
2 min readMay 15, 2021


Flutter Animations are damn Confusing 🤔. So many Types! Which to use? When to use? How to use it? Everything Explained 😌.

Learning Animations — Undraw

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This article is going to be the Simplest Flutter Animations Guide you would have ever read. So, be Ready !!!

One of the most Awesome Features of Flutter is its Easy and Slick Animations. There are Multiple Ways for adding Animations in Flutter, depending on its Type and Complexity. Pick whichever fits your case !!

1. AnimatedFoo Widgets

These are Animated Versions of Normal Widgets, like -

  • AnimatedContainer
  • AnimatedOpacity
  • AnimatedCrossFade

They are called Implicit since they happen automatically on rebuilding the widget with a new property, for example by changing a value in setState()

2. Tween Animations

If any one of the AnimatedFoo widgets doesn’t suit you, make a Custom Implicit Widget !! Use a TweenAnimationBuilder, give it a Duration, a Tween & a Builder to use that Tween.

The word ‘Tween’ comes from ‘Between’ It goes from a start to an end value, producing all the values in between them.

3. FooTransition Widgets

The previous animations just tween from start to end. But, sometimes we need to “control” the animation. For this, use Explicit transition widgets, like SlideTransition. Give it a child & an Animation provided by the Controller. Now, we can play, pause & stop the animation as needed !!

4. Animated Builder

If none of the FooTransitions suits your need make a Custom Explicit Widget !! For this, extend your Class with SingleTickerProviderStateMixin. Initialize a Controller and add it to an AnimatedBuilder Now, simply use the controller’s value to drive the Animation !!

Note: If you want to further refactor the code, just subclass the AnimatedWidget Class.

5. Custom Third Party Animations

If your Animation is above the Capabilities for Flutter, you can use a Third Party Animating Software like Lottie or Rive to make your Animations, export them and add them to your Flutter App.

6. Other Animations

Apart from these, there are many Other Animations you can add to your app, for example -

  • Hero Animations
  • AnimatedSwitcher
  • PageView transitions
  • AnimatedList
  • PageRouteBuilder transitions
  • animations package (pub.dev)
  • Staggered Animations

So these were all the Possible Options to Add Animations to your Flutter App. I hope you learned something new from me. Thanks for your Precious Time. See you in the next Article, signing off, FlutterFever.

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Kushal Goel

Passionate Developer 👨🏻‍💻 & Love to Explore New Technologies 📱