💡Ideas to ✈️ Production…

The Ultimate Roadmap to a Successful Full Stack Flutter App

Kushal Goel
Published in
3 min readMay 22, 2021


We get Great 🤩 App Ideas Daily. But how to implement 🤔 them? Maybe tell a friend 🤷🏻‍♂️ ? Or just start coding 👨🏻‍💻 ? No 🤯. I have designed an Extensive 7 Step process for the same. Let’s Discuss it !!

App Roadmap to Success - Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

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“ I have an App Idea📱“

What to do next? Just Start Coding 👨🏻‍💻 ?

No 🤯.

There are 7 Steps involved in Making an App and not just Coding. Let's go through each step one by one -

1. Idea Validation

As soon as we get an Idea, we start liking it so much that we think it will change the World. But is it really solving a common problem or making a user’s life easy?

The best way to check this is by talking to as many people as you can & your future customers. Do they really need it?

You can also get some Visiting Cards printed to leave a more Professional Impression.

2. Wireframing

If people liked your Idea, then proceed further and create a Basic Sketch for your App. Just take a pen & a paper and Start Drawing the Screens - The Layout, User Flow Diagrams, etc.

Tip - You can also use tools like POP (by Marvel) to instantly bring your Sketches to Life & Share them.

3. Designing & Prototyping

Choose a Color Palette, a Font & Start Designing a beautiful UI. While there are many tools for this purpose like AdobeXD or Sketch, but my Favourite ❤️ tool is Figma !!

Go even further and start interlinking those screens to create realistic prototypes & mockups for your App! You can also share these with your Prospective Customers to get some review.

4. Backend Modelling

Start by choosing whether you will create a Custom Backend or use an MBaas, like Firebase or AWS.

Keeping the requirements of your App in Mind, use Data Modelling to find the most efficient & cost-effective way to Store Data.

Plan about your App Security - User Authentication, Authorization
Based Access, Payments, etc.

5. Code

Finally, after everything is in place, you can start coding. Here are some Tips for Efficiency -

  • Learn Touch Typing
  • Use Flutter & Dart Editor Extensions
  • Use a VCS, for eg: git
  • Use a Linting Package like pedantic or linter.
  • Try writing Pseudo - Code first for the Logical Parts.

6. Deployment

After so much Coding & Bug Resolution, let’s Deploy the App to the End User. I think that the Official Flutter Docs are Great for this. All the steps involved in Deployment are well explained there.

To Fire Up 🔥 this process, you can use DevOps. Using Continous Integration & Continous Deployment will help you in not repeating those Boring Tasks Manually. Generally, I like using Fastlane & Github Actions for the same.

7. Marketing

But what if after so much Hard Work & Time, nobody downloads your App?

Well, here comes the need for Marketing. A Landing Page, ASO (App Store Optimisation), FB Ad Campaigns & things like Cross Promotions are what you need to grow your App & take it to the Top Charts ⭐️.

So this was the Blueprint of Launching an App. From Zero to the Top Charts! Don’t be afraid of this Long Process. If I can do it, why can’t you?

PS: I am planning to release more detailed versions of each of the Steps involved in it. Which one do you want first ? Let me know in the Comments Below ! Thanks for your precious time. If you liked it, be sure to give it some Claps & Follow me. Signing off, Flutter Fever.

FlutterFever is an Immersive Environment for High-Quality Flutter Tutorials, Resources, Tips & Tricks to Build, Deploy and Market Beautiful and Performant Flutter Apps Effortlessly. Find more about it here.



Kushal Goel

Passionate Developer 👨🏻‍💻 & Love to Explore New Technologies 📱