FlutterForce — #Week 68

Ümit Duran
Flutter Force
Published in
4 min readMar 15, 2020

-Performance: Optimizing your Flutter app — Filip Hráček | Flutter Europe

Flutter apps are fast by default, but that doesn’t mean you’re completely off the hook. This talk will efficiently walk you through some of the usual pitfalls, and give you the tools you need to make your app execute fast, without jank, consume less memory, and drain less battery.

- faker | A library for Dart that generates fake data.

A library for Dart that generates fake data. faker is heavily inspired by the Python package faker, and the Ruby package ffaker.

- Flutter REST API Crash Course — Part 1

This is the first chapter of my Flutter REST API crash course, where you will learn how to build this Coronavirus Tracker Application.

- Top Flutter Tips from January & February Tweets

Can we just say Flutter is awesome! The community around the great product is something that makes it particulary fantastic. Every day Flutter developers around the world discover the new smart ways to write a beautiful code faster, and luckily they share their findings with their fellow Flutter developers on Twitter. by Codemagic

- Introducing Motion Widget in Flutter

Animations! One of the most valuable aspects of modern-day apps. Now-a-days, it’s hard to imagine an app without them. Even if we come across any such monotonous & boring-looking app, it’s difficult maintaining an interest in using it, no? Animations do take app’s UX to next level. by Sumeet Rukeja

- How to Use Google Maps in Flutter Apps — Part 1

Tap into the powerful features of Google Maps in your Flutter apps. This video will help you get started.

- Flutter App for Sound Level Meter Viewer (BLE Communication)

In this video, I’ll show you how to make a Flutter App connect the ESP32 SLM through Bluetooth LE. This app is simply configured working as a BLE client. Also, it’s running on both iOS and Android.

- Updating Menu Dashboard

- Material Theme System Updates

- Navigator and Routes and Transitions… Oh, My! — Simon Lightfoot | Flutter Europe

If you’ve ever tried Flutter then you’ll have tried Navigator. You also might be confused with how it works. Simon will explain how Navigator, Routes, Transitions work, and give advice and practical use cases of how to use them. What is the future of Navigator on Flutter?

- Announcing Flutter VelocityX | Super Productive Package

Flutter Velocity X is inspired by TailwindCSS. It heavily uses extension methods and comes with many prebuilt widgets. In this video, I will explain to you about my new super productive package i.e Flutter VelocityX and how to use it.

Flutter Form Performance

I have made a form and validation on those fields such as all the fields are mandatory and we will see if the application can maintain its promise of 60fps all the time. 60fps typically translates into a frame rendering in 16ms. by Deepak Jha

- Architect Theme: A responsive admin template for Flutter

Flutter has some starter apps, however its source code is not actually easy to follow for beginners. I already made a template, unfortunately I will be using it for a project and I cannot use it for tutorials. That’s why I made another one, and I since I am recycling some elements from previous projects, I will be focusing mainly in some elements that were/are hard/complicated.

- Builder (Flutter Widget of the week)

Most of the time, widgets in Flutter build without looking up any extra information about their parents. Sometimes, you might write some code where the child widget needs to access the build context of a parent widget in the same build method. That’s what the Builder widget is for!

- Localizing your app with Flutter’s new gen_l10n tool

I’m recently getting into Flutter so I’m still figuring out some common practises. I was surprised to find that the recommended approach for internationalization was quite cumbersome and laborious.

Fortunately, the Flutter team is working on a simplified i18n process that can already be used today and in this post I’ll show you how!

Thanks for reading!

Leave a comment below or tweet me if with any questions/suggestions, or adding resources.

