FlutterForce — #Week 82

Ümit Duran
Flutter Force
Published in
5 min readJun 28, 2020

- New tools for Flutter developers, built in Flutter

Today, we’re releasing a new version of Dart DevTools, our suite of tools for debugging and performance analysis for Dart and Flutter code. It has been rebuilt from scratch in Flutter. This version adds several improvements, such as updates to the performance and memory pages, and a completely new network page. by Filip Hracek

- Flutter performance tips — Flutter in Focus

In this episode of Flutter in Focus, Filip Hracek introduces some basic concepts in Flutter performance. Stay tuned to learn more about what causes jank, why some apps are more battery-hungry than others, and why it pays to keep an eye on memory consumption.

- Why Flutter animations need a vsync TickerProvider

If you have used Flutter animations before, you likely came across a parameter named vsync or the mixin SingleTickerProviderStateMixin.
But we are rarely using them ourselves. So what do they even do?

- Made with Flutter — Job Finder App UI

In this video, we are going to design a Job Finder App UI using Flutter.

- Desktop Multi-Window Support

In order to implement many desirable features on desktop platforms, it is necessary to be able to open and manage multiple window contexts. This document describes the API and mechanisms for that.

- Focused Pop-Up Menu in Flutter 🐱‍🏍

Menus are one of the most widely used features in Application Development. Although Navigation/Drawer Menu, Bottom Bar Menu and Action Bar Menu are widely used, they are not as flexible as Context/Pop-Up Menus. by Paras Jain

- Plant App — Flutter UI

Nice clean plant app #UI using #flutter, the Home page you will get search box than a horizontal list of recommended plants. At the bottom featured plans list. On the details page, a big image with its 4 icons on the right side also add to the cart button.

- Yay! Implicit Downcasts are no longer allowed in Dart 2.9

With the introduction of full Type Safety, Dart 2.9 makes it easier to write safer code by default. As part of this, implicit downcasts are no longer allowed.

- Design and implementation of a pizza delivery smart system

The new Covid-19 epidemic in Italy brought to live new needs of software systems to limit people crowding near shops. The most needed thing was to order groceries and food straight from home, we chose to analyze, design and implement a pizza delivery system. by Vito Piegari

- Flutter State Management with Bloc for PineTime Companion App

Flutter is awesome for creating mobile apps for Android and iOS… The programming language is modern (Dart), the debugging tools are excellent (VSCode and Dart DevTools).

That’s why we have selected Flutter for creating the open source Android and iOS Companion App for PineTime Smart Watch: For updating firmware, syncing date/time, pushing mobile notifications, controlling our smart home gadgets, … and so much more!

- Flutter Day — Codelabs

Welcome to the Flutter Day codelabs! While you try these, you can get help and chat with friendly people — including Googlers working on Flutter, and folks from Flutter developer groups around the world — in fd-* channels in the Flutter Community Slack workspace.

- Ultimate Guide for Native Ads (iOS & Android Platform) in Flutter

The ultimate guide for how to add a Native Ads in the Android & iOS Platform for Flutter App iOS Platform is Also Supported By Flutter_native_admob. Ads will help you Earn Money from the Apps.

- What State Management Should You Use?

As flutter grows the number of State Management solutions grows just as quickly. When I first started exploring Flutter there were only a couple options now there is Redux, ScopedModel, Provider, BLoC, RxDart, States Rebuilder, Get, as well many more that I can’t list off the top of my head. by Amateur Coder

- SwiftUI modifiers like api for Flutter

A collection of useful extension function that make your flutter code a lot cleaner.

- Very simple Game Engine with Flutter Animations

Flutter animations are used to perform a nice visual effect in a one-time manner. by Aleksey Drobnych

- Space reloading — Flutter

Welcome! Today we will learn about adding space reloading in Flutter by TheBoringDeveloper

- FilledStacks DialogArchitecture using RiverPod

I have been using Flutter for close to 8 months now and particularly attracted to how things are done at FilledStacks. The architecture is suitable for large projects and also the hobby ones with nice clear separation of logic and UI. by Techniqally

Thanks for reading!

Leave a comment below or tweet me if with any questions/suggestions, or adding resources.



Flutter Force
Flutter Force

Published in Flutter Force

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