Flutter Widgets 17 | SimpleDialog&AlertDialog

Published in
3 min readJan 31, 2019

In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the SimpleDialog in the flutter.

What we will learn?

Before Start

We will create a page to contain our code.

It will show the picture as follows.

Simple Use

The dialog is very common in our app, it will show short messages to us to our choice. Let’s see an example below.

It will show you like this.


Let’s look at its constructor.

The constructor is very easy to know because we have known the types of its parameters. I will give an example to them.


The titleis a widget, the childrenis a list of the widgets, this is easy to understand. The titlePadding controls the padding of the title, the contentPadding controls the padding of the children. Let's see an example.

Let’s see the effect of our code.

backgroundColor& elevation

The backgroundColor is a Color, the elevation controls the shadow of the widget, those are common parameters that we have used them before. I just give an example.

It will show like this. The color of the background will change to RED.The shadow becomes less.


The is also the same as the shape of Container, you can check it in that article. I just give you an example.

It will show as below.


The AlertDialog is similar to the SimpleDialog. Let's look at the constructor.

We compare these two constructors of the AlertDialog and the SimpleDialog. The main difference between them is that the AlertDialog has more parameters, which are the titleTextStyle, content, contentTextStyle, and actions, than the SimpleDialog. So let's look an example.

It will show like this.


From this article, you can learn how to implement the dialog with the SimpleDialog widget. It is easy to use, so I don't give the detail of many parameters. If you a newer, you should read the other articles before.

Thanks for reading.

The End.

The whole code in Github: https://github.com/FlutterOpen/ebook

