Flutter At Home Weekly Update 2

Zonily Jame Pesquera
Flutter Philippines
4 min readJan 14, 2021

Hey there!

Welcome to week two of our Flutter At Home series — a week full of learning, achievements, and amazing talks from our speakers.


  1. We now have a total of 20 participants who finished the App Brewery course! 🎉
  2. We held 2 webinar sessions
  3. Community partners joined us and helped promote the event
  4. More showcase apps from our community members

Learning Flutter

We are happy to announce that we now have a total of 20 participants who finished the Intro to Flutter course on App Brewery.


Effective App Architecture and State Management in Flutter

Muhammed Salih Guler inaugurated our Flutter At Home webinar series last May 2, 2020. He is a Flutter and Dart GDE from Germany. Salih presented the different architectural patterns and state management tools available in Flutter and how you can effectively use them depending on your project requirements.

Please follow this link to watch the webinar on Youtube.

AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin deserves more spotlight

TruongSinh Tran-Nguyen, a Flutter and Dart GDE from the United States talked about how AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin can help you maintain the current states of your app. He pointed out that this is useful especially when there are too many network calls and state changes happening in a particular widget or screen.

If you missed this webinar session, please follow this link.

We will continue to update our website for the upcoming webinars.

Community Partners

Zonily, one of our community leads, has been working closely with our partners to help us share Flutter At Home with more people.

Here’s the list of our awesome community partners:


Recruitday.com is a jobs platform that lets you find the perfect job or help others find theirs through referrals. Browse through job listings for the most current openings you can apply to or refer from multiple companies around the Philippines.


techph.org powered by Recruitday

techph.org is an independent podcast project to promote continuous learning and expertise-sharing amongst tech students and professionals. In each podcast episode, I will introduce you to leaders and innovators in the field of technology in the Philippines.



We make the future less scary!

Edukasyon.ph is the largest online youth platform in the Philippines empowering millions of students aged 13 to 23 to make self-aware education decisions that lead to a fulfilling career and life.

Students use our website to gain access to courses, schools, scholarships, online education, and other resources and opportunities that enable them to find and take the paths best suited to their own interests, skills and priorities.


Stratpoint Technologies

STRATPOINT is a DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION ENABLER delivering enterprise-grade solutions globally for more than 20 years. We specialize in providing Agile Software Development, Cloud, Data Engineering and AI services.


ReactJS Philippines

We are a non-profit organization of Filipino developers dedicated to nation-building through our community and shared enthusiasm in React and for excellence overall. We aim to enhance the skills and knowledge of our members to advance their career opportunities and empower our nation’s software industry as a whole.


Interested to partner with us? Please visit this form.


Here are some of our favorites for this week’s Flutter At Home showcase!


Eric made a delightful onboarding screen for his food delivery app.


Luis dedicated his free time to learn Flutter and Dart with us at Flutter At Home! 🥳


@Gebreyul is making his app responsive to both portrait and landscape orientation.


Ian worked on replicating Flutter At Home 2020’s website using Flutter! Visit his work on https://ianjaspersantos.github.io/#/.


In our Slack workspace, we usually talk about challenges and issues regarding Flutter and Dart. Now, we’re glad to read messages that some of our members finished the course and now excited to build more Flutter apps.


We were amazed to see one of our community members submit his PR to the upstream repo of the App Brewery course.

Way to go everyone! 🎉

Want your projects to be showcased? Use the hashtags #flutter #flutterdotph #flutterathome in your Facebook posts or Tweets. :)

Enjoy the weekend!

Stay safe.

Joshua de Guzman
Volunteer, Flutter Philippines Community



Zonily Jame Pesquera
Flutter Philippines

A mobile software developer who is a student as much as he is a professional. Passionate about learning new things.