Awesome Flutter resources collections

Liem Vo
Published in
2 min readSep 2, 2018


After 10 days studying the Flutter, I discovery the resources that are amazing that will help you become a Flutter developer.

Credit by Rawpixel at unsplash

Official website: will supply from step by step to install and start with the simple example.

Dart language: If you want to understand Dart language before jumping to the Flutter. We can read or watch the video with the following links.

Flutter training online has many courses that will help us to adapt to the new mobile framework.

Google CodeLab supply the simple Flutter app. It also has the authentication with Firebase and UI view of grid view scroller. These apps are built up with Material design standards.

Github Flutter Samples:

Flutter Cookbook:

Github Awesome-Flutter there have two the main git repos that supply all about the Flutter. I suggest for the first link because it listed detail and many open sources that you can discovery interesting thing there.

Flutter challenge series has been building by Matt Carroll who is owners of Fluttery (Youtube channel

Blogs are a good channel to update the new trend, knowledge sharing, and open source project.

Android app

App builder: It is an amazing tool to build the Flutter UI online that is mean you only need choose your UI widget and drag to screen -> You can get the source code for your app.

Any suggestions or comments are welcome. The list will be updated in the future…

#flutter #darts

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