Flutter Web and PaginatedDataTable

Aseem Wangoo
Published in
5 min readJun 13, 2020


PaginatedDataTable in Flutter Web

How to use a PaginatedDataTable in Flutter Web ? Hmm…

All in one Flutter resource: https://flatteredwithflutter.com/using-paginateddatatable-in-flutter-web/


Website: https://fir-signin-4477d.firebaseapp.com/#/

We will cover briefly about

  1. PaginatedDataTable..
  2. CustomPaginatedTable (Wrapper over PaginatedDataTable)

Note: For changes to data, we have used Provider….This article won’t be explaining how the changes gets notified….

Flutter Web and PaginatedDataTable

Introducing PaginatedDataTable….

Flutter Web and PaginatedDataTable

As per the documentation :

A material design data table that shows data using multiple pages.

A paginated data table shows…

