How to use custom icons in Flutter

Published in
2 min readSep 16, 2018
Flutter 💖 Dart

It’s easy, thanks to the creators of FlutterIcon and Fontello💖

How it works

The custom icons will be converted into a ttf font file, which will be added into the project. An automatically generated Dart file will be added, allowing icons to be used like Icon(CustomCons.upvote).

  1. Go to
  2. Click on the icons that you want, upload custom SVG files, font-files, or JSON files
  3. Insert your own name like ‘Custom’, ‘Icecons’ etc.
  4. Click ‘Download’ and extract files
  5. The config.json is absolute genius, it saves all your selections and custom icons, so when you revisit the website just drag and drop it in and it’s all there again.
  6. Move the ttf file into your desired directory (e.g. fonts/CustomIcons.ttf)
  7. Move the dart file into your desired directory in lib (I did lib/presentation/custom_icons_icons.dart )
  8. Follow the instructions at the top of your dart file and copy the fonts code into pubspec.yml (I put mine underneath flutter: uses-material-design)
  9. flutter run to ensure project compiles and app starts expectedly
  10. Use your icon!
  11. Party 🎉

Tabs Example:

import CustomIcons from '../lib/presentation/custom_icons_icons.dart'Tab(icon: Icon(CustomIcons.heart)

Here I’ve imported my dart class as CustomIcons and used the heart in a tab. In IntelliJ, you can write the code first, then Alt-Enter on CustomIcons and it will add the correct relative path for the import for you.

What success looks like

For more information like, how to create your own icons using Illustrator, import/export fonts visit the full wiki:

Coding is not just about features, it’s also about Collaboration. If there’s a specific thing you’re trying to implement but can’t leave a comment below and I’ll see if I can write a tutorial for it.

See the Steemit article here

Happy Coding!

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