The Art of Flutter: Hello World

Jason Choo
Published in
6 min readDec 15, 2019


The Art of Flutter: Hello World

The Art of Flutter

The Art of Flutter is a beginner-friendly Medium series illustrating different key topics and insights about Flutter and Dart. This series will also introduce Firebase, a Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) platform as part of the Google Cloud Platform and how to use Flutter with Firebase using Golang for Firebase Cloud Functions in production at scale.


Flutter is an open-source portable User Interface software development kit created by Google which aims to create a beautiful, fast, and high performance (with 120 frames per second) cross-platform applications using the single codebase. It was first started as an Android on Dart experiment project called Sky showcased during the Dart Developer Summit 2015.

The Beginning

Sky was an open-source mobile project aimed at developing mobile applications using Dart and it was designed for fast development cycles with the designed-for-small-screen in 60Hz user experiences on mobile using rapid continuous deployment. It was an experimental open-source framework for writing mobile applications in Dart showcased during Dart Developer Summit 2015 presented by Eric Seidel.



Jason Choo

✪ Founder at TechBlazr ✪ Senior Tech Lead at Blood ✪ 🎯 Empathise • Validate • Code • Test • Repeat ✪ 🏆 52 Hackathons in 🇸🇬 🇺🇸 🇲🇾 🇭🇰 🇿🇦 🇺🇳