Generate Icons for Android & iOS Using Flutter

Santosh Anand
Published in
2 min readJul 15, 2018

I have just stared mobile development with Google Flutter, and I found that its very easy to learn and develop mobile application for both Android & iOS.

Following are the open source projects that I have worked during the learning phase

UI build with Google Flutter

But I was unable to create or generate launch icons for both platforms in a single shot, so I did some RND to generate icons, and finally I have found an awesome flutter_launcher_icons library to generate the assets for both platforms

How to use this plugin?

  1. Add dependency to your Flutter project’s pubspec.yaml below any existing dependencies

Note: make sure that icon.png exist into folder and for better result use 1240x1240 px image.

Run the following command to generate the assets.

flutter pub get
flutter pub pub run flutter_launcher_icons:main

Above command will replace existing (default icons with new one)

Another sign up and sign in layout I have created using Google Flutter.

Thank you for reading!

