FlutterVN newsletter #1

Bui Minh Triet
Published in
3 min readOct 30, 2019
FlutterVN newsletter by fluttervn.com

Note: for non-paywall link of this article, let use: https://medium.com/fluttervn/fluttervn-newsletter-1-440a5337f391?source=friends_link&sk=19aed229c3e232dea35f73d12feee68d


  • Finally Bloc lib v1.0.0 is released. Thanks Felix Angelov and his team for the hard work.
  • It’s a good news to know JSON schema for pubspec.yaml is available. Just choose Invalidate Caches / Restart menu in your Android Studio to make it takes effect.
  • An Lam shares with experience to implement Platform Channel when write the md5_plugin.
  • Darshan Kawar has a great post about useful methods of List such as sublist, reversed, asMap, fold, reduce, take
  • You should also read the final post in the Ultimate responsive architecture in Flutter series by Dane Mackier.
  • In native Android, it’s not so easy to implement swipe-to-dismiss on ListView. But in Flutter, it’s much easier with help of Dismissible widget. Wilberforce Uwadiegwu’s article will show you how to use Dismissible from basic to advanced (multiple background, swipe direction, undo…).


  • DashCast is back! (The Boring Flutter Development Show, Ep. 32)

In this episode of the Boring Show, Emily and Matt work on DashCast, the ultimate in podcasting apps. Learn how to parse rss feeds, pass data between multiple screens, stream audio, and more!

  • DataTable (Flutter Widget of the Week)

Do you have some important data to show to the user in a table? Define your columns, rows, and automatically size cells with DataTable!

  • SelectableText (Flutter Widget of the Week)

Have you ever wanted to make some display text in your app selectable? SelectableText is the widget for you!

Libraries and repositories

  • tenhobi/effective_dart: provides links that attempt to comply with all Effective Dart guide rules.
  • bratan/flutter_translate: The internationalization (i18n) library for Flutter. Easy to set up as well as customization.
  • giantsol/Blue-Diary: Lightweight & effective Todo app with Flutter
  • jama5262/jiffy: a Flutter and dart web date time package inspired by momentjs for parsing, manipulating and formatting dates
  • aloisdeniel/flutter_device_preview: Preview of your Flutter app on various device screen configurations from one of your devices.
  • fluttervn/md5_plugin: a plugin to calculate MD5 hash of file, which is much faster than Dart’s built-in MD5.
  • lohanidamodar/flutter_ui_challenges: must-have repo to learn Flutter UI.


  • The first Flutter worldwide event — Flutter Interact — will be held on Dec 11, 2019

Thanks for reading. If you are interested, please follow FlutterVN on Medium, Facebook or Github.

