FlutterVN newsletter #2

Bui Minh Triet
Published in
5 min readNov 6, 2019
FlutterVN newsletter by fluttervn.com

The biggest news in this newsletter is Dart 2.6. Flutter also in top 10 software repo in Github.

Note: for non-paywall link of this article, let use: https://medium.com/fluttervn/fluttervn-newsletter-2-f254f85498cb?sk=f1e0b17d86e66b6641bcd2431740d5e6


  • Let’s try dart2native in Dart 2.6.
  • And, Dart extension is the long-awaiting feature that would be released soon.
  • Congrats Flutter for in the top 10 repo in Github.
  • Dane Mackier shows you his experience while build a Flutter web app.
  • Have you ever tried to use Flutter Geolocator plugin for reverse Geocoding?
  • Sergio Fraile continues his series (part 4) about using Tensorflow in Flutter.
  • Flare is a great tool to create animation for Flutter app. In below article, Waleed Arshad uses it to make password validate UX.
  • Aseem Wangoo thinks testing would be a good habit, so how to unit test Provider?
  • There are many type of Provider (Listenable, Stream, Future, Multi. Proxy…). Hope this article from Suragch will help you have better understanding.
  • Damion Davy implements dark & light theme for his Flutter app using Provider.
  • Using CodeCov with Github Actions to monitor the level of code coverage.


  • Slider, RangeSlider, and CupertinoSlider(Flutter Widget of the Week)

Need a quick way to select from a range of values? The Slider widget selects a single value from a range.

  • Android with a side of Flutter, please — Live from Droidcon

Filip Hracek, Google Developer Advocate, speaks at Droidcon Berlin 2019 about how to add a Flutter activity to your app and keep the rest. See some technical underpinnings and the things they unlock for the developer.

  • Advanced Provider Tutorial — Part 2: MultiProvider, Multiple Services & Stream Dependencies

This multi-part tutorial shows how to use Provider to build an app that lets the user choose and upload an avatar image to Firestore.

  • Flutter UI kit challenge [SPEED CODE]
  • Building a Website In Flutter

This tutorial is the first in a series that will go over all the basics for creating a website in Flutter.

  • The Singleton Design Pattern in Flutter… All the Way Down! — Flutter in Practice 43

In this episode we will see how to create and use the singleton pattern in the context of the Dart programming language and the Flutter framework.

  • #25 Widget CheckBox | Flutter Tutorial
  • #26 Widget MediaQuery | Flutter Tutorial
  • #27 Widget GridView.count | Flutter Tutorial

Libraries and repositories

  • objectbox/objectbox-dart: ObjectBox for Dart is a standalone database storing Dart objects locally, with strong ACID semantics.


Thanks for reading. If you are interested, please follow FlutterVN on Medium, Facebook, Twitter or Github. Or read previous newsletter via this link:

