FlutterVN newsletter #3

Bui Minh Triet
Published in
6 min readNov 13, 2019
FlutterVN newsletter by fluttervn.com

Google Stadia app is built by Flutter. Why Flutter uses Dart? Comparison of State Management approaches. And more!


  • Google Stadia is available in the Google Play and Apple Appstore. Its Android version is confirmed built by Flutter.
  • If you still wonder is Flutter ready for developing Enterprise mobile app, then Gary Chang says YES.
  • Great article from Scott Stoll of CodeMagic to show pros and cons of these State Management approaches such as setState, BLoC, Provider… Which approach are you using?
  • Although Redux is not so popular in Flutter, but let try it — by shivanchal pandey.
  • Dane Mackier continues sharing his experience in responsive UI for Flutter Web.
  • Flutter is not only for app but also for game. Let see how Christian Muehle develop a Game of Life.
  • Flutter: Card payments made easy with Stripe and Ruby on Rails. By Goutham Kumar.
  • 12 Useful libraries to support development using Flutter. By Lucas Alves.
  • Learn how to store data in local or remote via Repository interface in Flutter.
  • Get started with Flutter, from point of view of a native developer.
  • Jullian Bissekkou shares his first step with the recent release Dart Extension Method.
  • This guy prefers Flutter over React Native. Do you agree with him?
  • Looking for a Flutter App Development company for your business? Here we provide you top 10 Flutter App Development companies from across the world. By Nikhil Rangpariya ★.


  • Why Flutter uses Dart? Watch this video to learn how Flutter uses Dart to enable you to develop an app quickly and deploy it to multiple platforms!
  • Animation Basics with Implicit Animations: Welcome to our series on animation building blocks in Flutter with Martin Aguinis. We’re going to introduce you to animations in Flutter and cover how to build both simple and complex animations for your app. You don’t have to be an expert on animations or animation terminology to add animations to your app!
  • AlertDialog (Flutter Widget of the Week): Do you want to alert someone about something or maybe get their input? Does your app have a critical junction where users need to make an important decision? AlertDialog is the widget for you!

Libraries and repositories

  • brianegan/flutter_architecture_samples: The Flutter Architecture Samples project demonstrates strategies to help solve or avoid common problems. This project implements the same app using different architectural concepts and tools.
  • apgapg/avatar_glow: This Flutter package provides a Avatar Glow Widget with cool background glowing animation.
  • google/flutter.widgets: This repository contains the source code for various Flutter widgets that are developed by Google but not by the core Flutter team.
  • aqwert/flutter_platform_widgets: Target the specific design of Material for Android and Cupertino for iOS widgets through a common set of Platform aware widgets.


  • The first Flutter worldwide event — Flutter Interact — will be held on Dec 11, 2019.

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