FlutterVN newsletter #5

Bui Minh Triet
Published in
7 min readNov 27, 2019
FlutterVN weekly newsletter by FlutterVN — Flutter Vietnam developer — http://fluttervn.com/— #FlutterVnNewsletter #Flutter

Flutter Q4 survey, Flutter vs. React Native comparison, Google Maps, Firebase Firestore and Storage, build app using Fastlane. And more…


  • After having Q3 survey result, now it’s time for Flutter Q4 survey. Let Flutter team know how do you think about their product.

Recap: Google’s BIG challenge, Make your Flutter app look gooooood 😍

Hey, everyone! Here’s a recap of what’s been happening over the past couple of weeks in the Flutter-verse.

We talk a lot about things like state management, so this time around we decided to highlight some of the awesome stuff Flutter allows us to do to make our apps look good and work well.


  • Flutter & Firebase App Build series: Hey gang, in this series we’ll build a Flutter app from scratch, using Firebase Firestore (a real-time database) and Firebase authentication.

Libraries and repositories

  • dart-lang/markdown: A portable Markdown library written in Dart. It can parse Markdown into HTML on both the client and server.
  • BendixMa/sliding-sheet: A widget that can be dragged and scrolled in a single gesture and snapped to a list of extents.
  • dbenitez-bcn/solid_bottom_sheet: A full customizable bottom sheet easy to implement. Just put it on your bottomSheet property on your Scaffold widget and see the magic.
  • jonataslaw/get: A consistent Flutter route navigation library that does not rebuild materialApp with each navigation.

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