Session 1: Introduction to Flutter

Jitesh Mohite
Published in
2 min readAug 10, 2019

Flutter is a new mobile app SDK to help developers and designers build modern mobile apps for iOS and Android.

Let’s go for an adventure.

In recent Google I/O 2019, Google dedicated a lot of there time in a Flutter, as it is their first cross-platform framework for mobile development. Mainly in mobile development, we have two platforms one is Android and the second one is iOS. But with the new framework, our single code base can run on both Android & iOS.

Flutter uses dart as the official language for flutter development, lets see the advantages of it.

  • Dart is flutter object-oriented language like java, python.
  • It uses Ahead-of-Time compilation techniques.
  • It doesn’t require any additional bridge to convert flutter code into native code.
  • Flutter doesn’t have OEM(original equipment manufacturer) widgets, as flutter has its own.
  • This all increase flutter performance significantly.

Flutter Architecture makes it different from other cross-platform frameworks, Flutter doesn’t have any bridges between our app code and O.S, that means it can directly draw their UI(Widgets) on mobile using O.S.

Advantages of Flutter:

  • Ready-made and custom widgets for fast UI coding
  • The mildest learning curve and a growing community
  • Dart — simple and effective language targeted at Java programmers
  • No need for XML files
  • Better performance without a JavaScript bridge.
  • Hot reload function for instantaneous updates.
  • It supports Android(Jelly bean and above) and for iOS(iOS 8 and above).


  • Flutter takes 58 fps and 220-millisecond launch time.
  • Xamarin takes 53 fps and 345-millisecond launch time.
  • React Native takes 57 fps and 229-millisecond launch time.

If you want to dive deep inside flutter and want to know more about it go to below tutorial section.


Github Link:

Youtube Link:



Jitesh Mohite

I am technology enthusiastic, want to learn things quickly and dive deep inside it. I always believe in developing logical things which makes impact on end user