
Monogamy: The Uncomfortable Part of Patriarchy

The High Stakes and Low Down of Patriarchal Monogamy

Joe Duncan
Flux Magazine
Published in
16 min readFeb 3, 2020


If that title didn’t upset you enough as it is, hear me out, there’s more to come. One of the biggest challenges that feminist-leaning women of today face, and I don’t envy them, is undoing the patriarchy while still figuring out what to do with some of the aspects which are…how should I put this…married to it…aspects such as familial relations and most importantly, monogamy. Non-monogamy is a bit of a hard sell to most people. Even today, it’s a tough pill for a lot of people to swallow, especially when people are trying to make that sale from within the framework of monogamy culture. From the moment we first begin to understand the concept of marriage, we’ve already begun to understand two people living as a fixed entity with a least some amount of a claim of ownership over one another. We’re born and raised into an understand of certain conceptions of love and loving, ideas which are hard to shake, insecurities which are instilled within us can tend to last a lifetime. Insecurity is the hardest part, I think, perceived or real.

To be honest, so many women I encounter want the freedom that contemporary feminism promises but they want it in a cute little package wrapped in a bow, with their prized monogamy left intact. Is this really possible? I don’t…



Joe Duncan
Flux Magazine

I’ve worked in politics for fourteen years and counting. Editor for Sexography: | The Science of Sex: