Bouldering a Crypto Hub

Blake Burris 🏔
FLUX Protocol
Published in
3 min readMay 8, 2018

Flux becomes founding company of the BLDR Crypto Hub

Boulder. Known for hiking its craggy, unspoilt mountains, the Grateful Dead, locavore home-cooking — in short, a simpler, better way of life. Thousands have migrated to Boulder not only for its way of life, but for its vibrant startup community, arguably the most dense and vibrant on earth. Add blockchain technologies to the mix, in areas that impact community, agriculture, social good, and you’ve got a new crypto community forming like nowhere else.

Flux is a founding member of the new BLDR Crypto Hub which is consolidating new talent, energy and capital resources pouring into this sphere. We are taking up space in the amazing new workspace at Industrious Office in downtown Boulder. Check it out! They’re offering tours around the clock during Startup Week (RSVP).

Build-out completion expected by mid-June. Just look at that view! Photo credit: Andrew Hyde

Among the founding members of the BLDR Crypto Hub are blockchain platform companies Origin Protocol, DAO Stack, Solana, Gitcoin and Flux Protocol who will share this beautiful view of the Flatirons. Collectively, we are sponsoring a blockchain social during Startup Week. Check out the track and RSVP.

Colorado’s Front Range has long been known as welcoming to the nation’s fastest growing industries for decades. The latest one being cannabis. Our Israeli-American crypto venture, Flux has been in the process of establishing its home in Boulder and this is the next step.

Connecting Hackers on the Front Range

The geography, spirit of the people and talent all align right and we are keen to foster the growth of the emergent crypto community. Add in the Front Range hacker community evidenced by ETH Denver, HackCU, CU Blockchain Summit, and Boulder becomes a dreamy destination for the legions joining the rush to decentralize everything.

“We’ve already started creating new families in this sphere,” says iconic entrepreneur Andrew Hyde, Community Head for Origin, and Advisor to Flux. His role is to show the blockchain world understands how distributed ledger technology can level the playing field for farmers everywhere — and in the explosive cannabis market. “There is such a fine spirit in hyper-creative Boulder. You have exceptional people here who really do care about quality of life, who do care about resources and efficiency. It makes so much sense, that we work together which has always been the spirit of this town”

Other high profile blockchain projects in the region include Zcash, Shapeshift, KeepKey, Opolis, and Ideas by Nature. As Colorado increasingly becomes a global crypto hub, many projects and organizations are finding the existing culture of social entrepreneurship and impact investing in the region highly complementary.

Similar to “Bitcoin Embassy” spaces popping up in cities around the world, we envision the Crypto Hub being a magnet for entrepreneurs where they can connect with other crypto enthusiasts while traveling through Colorado. Launching the Crypto Hub is another in a series of steps solidifying Colorado as the ideal place to launch and scale crypto projects that will achieve global impact.

A Technological Goldmine

Boulder is focused on community, social good, and on being a super ‘connected’ to what matters — because of all those natural things that make the Front Range great. When you add in blockchain tech, and the number of new and influential crypto startups, you’ve got the recipe for greatness. Consider this: data is put on the blockchain making it easier for farmers in developing nations to grow what matters to them, eliminating third parties and the rent-seeking middlemen who abound; gouging into profits and resources.

Colorado is a crypto goldmine with regular meetups every week. We hope to see y’all at Boulder Startup Week!

For more on Flux, see

For more on Origin, see

For more reading see

Other locol crypto community events:



Blake Burris 🏔
FLUX Protocol

Engineering Sovereignism. Father. Fisherman. Mountaineer