The State of Flux

Cooper Turley
FLUX Protocol
Published in
6 min readAug 29, 2018

From new partnerships to new code, the Flux Protocol has evolved significantly in recent months. In fact, we’ve been so busy making changes and growing the project that we haven’t taken a moment to let the community know what we’ve been up to.

Flux Featured in July’s edition of Distributed Magazine

Internal Updates


First, we’re excited to announce that our MICO sensors are currently undergoing rigorous testing at our R&D lab in Israel, and we expect to announce that they will be production-ready in the coming months. MICO devices are open-source hardware sensors that act as the backbone for data collection in the Flux ecosystem. We anticipate beginning full production of MICO sensors during Q4 2018.

Technical Paper

If you’re keen to learn more about how the Flux platform works from a technical perspective, you’re in luck. The internal team has been hard at work developing the architecture and layout of a formal document that illustrates all of the moving pieces within the Flux Protocol. Within the coming weeks, this document will publicly provide details on the technical specifications of the Flux Ecosystem, including its core features, system architecture, cybersecurity measures along with the data integrity and verification processes. Detailed topics from the paper include, but are not limited to, providing an in depth run down on MICOs, Space Portals, Perception Engines, and the TARA Alliance.

Economic Framework

With the release of our public whitepaper (see below), the internal team has begun developing a formal Economic Framework detailing the exact requirements and stipulations surrounding FLUX tokens and the ecosystem at large. Within this document, Flux plans on providing as much transparency surrounding the tokens utility mechanisms as possible.

More specifically, the Economic Framework will lay out specific details and proposals for the amounts surrounding data collection and storage rewards during the Initial Ramp-up, TARA Alliance TCR application stakes, Proof of Impact token usage, hardware discount structures, and Perception Engine economic modelling.

The Flux team is well aware that many aspects of this paper are subject to change and plan on using this paper as a means of encouraging feedback and collaboration from our closest partners and community at large.

Community Updates

Flux would be nothing without the help of our partners and community contributors. We’re happy to report that our engagement with the community has grown significantly this summer in a few key ways.

BTC Inc. Partnership

Flux is actively working with BTC, Inc. for new content creation (mainly our sale narrative), marketing efforts, fundraising opportunities, and economic analysis. BTC offers extensive guidance and networking opportunities to help expand and nurture our community development. By working with BTC’s publication outlet, Bitcoin Magazine and subsequent development and marketing branches (BTC Labs and Studios), Flux has gained valuable introductions to some of the largest and most respected players in the cryptocurrency industry.

After successfully directing execution of ICOs including but not limited to and MAD Network, BTC has provided numerous insights into the proper handling of our ICO along with a direct opportunity to utilize their fundraising platform, CoinCart, for the execution of all private and public contributions.

Whitepaper Publication

After three full private iterations, we’re extremely excited to finally publish our whitepaper to the public. Whitepapers as a whole serve the central document for any individual looking to get a formal deep-dive on a project’s mission and core components. With this in mind, Flux’s whitepaper spells out how our platform will work from a high-level technical perspective, as well as portraying how value is derived and accrued across the network as the project continues to evolve.

More specifically, individuals looking for a further understanding on environmental data collection, storage, and intelligence can turn to this document for reference on the key components that make our vision a reality. The current version of the whitepaper begins to establish the foundation for FLUX tokens’ utility in our Initial Ramp-Up and intended Full Token Economy alongside our Token Distribution and Fund Allocation.

The whitepaper is subsequently accompanied by a summarized one-pager and pitch-deck. These documents aim to serve as a quick overview for individuals looking to familiarize themselves without taking a substantial amount of time to understand how the various components work on a deeper level. To this end, we are continually working on a technical paper to provide an even deeper dive into the technical specifications of the Flux ecosystem beyond what has been presented in the whitepaper.

To read our whitepaper, visit or click this link.

It’s important to note that while this is the first public release of the document, regular updates will be made as we continue to onboard new team members, developers, advisors, and partners.


Within the next week, a formal airdrop will be implemented to spread awareness of the Flux Protocol. In the first round of FluxDrop, we have allocated 1,250,000 FLUX to be airdropped towards interested individuals and blockchain enthusiasts. The airdrop will be limited to the first 5,000 participants who engage with our Telegram and Twitter channels. Users who complete these two simple steps will be rewarded with 250 FLUX distributed after the close of our ICO.

As the Flux Protocol progresses, we will continually release focused airdrops to users who intend to be active on our platform or have thoughtful engagement with our community at large. This may include but certainly isn’t limited to airdrops for MICO or Eddy purchasers, Flux Ambassadors, or application downloads and testing. Further details regarding FluxDrop will be released in separate documentation over the course of the next few weeks.


Flux has been active at a number of blockchain conferences this summer. Flux attended events in Boulder including Startup Week and Discon, and was fortunate to speak on an IoT panel at Distributed 2018 in San Francisco.

Proof of Impact leader, Kylen McClintock, featured on the IoT Panel at Distributed 2018.

Flux Team

The Flux team has continued to expand in recent months with additions to both the internal team and strategic advisors.


The past few months have allowed our internal team to grow in both global diversity and overall talent. We have gained three new team members in Ryan Cook, an experienced blockchain engineer, Lucas Campbell, a community manager; and Oliver Finel, our blockchain business developer in Europe.

As Flux rounds out its available business roles, we’re actively looking for engineering talent to expedite the utility usage of our platform. If you’re interested in joining the Flux team, feel free to check our jobs listing page here.


We’ve welcomed a number of new all-star advisors to the project including David Bailey (CEO of BTC Inc.) Graham Hill (Founder of Treehugger), Mike Germano (formerly of VICE Media), and Bill Cordes (CEO of Oyster Protocol).

To quote David’s advisory role on the project, “At BTC, we are creating an ecosystem of companies around a media empire,” says Bailey. “In the constellation of the environment and earth’s resources, we are certain that Flux and its protocol can lead, build and mobilize the right infrastructure to align all the goals of planet and people. Once people, researchers, governments and companies start collaborating in a way they have never done before, we can create abundance without limitation.”

In summary, Flux is continually seeking new all-star advisors to help direct the project in the right way(s). Over the course of the next few months Flux will continue to grow our advisory list with a variety of talent from a multitude of different backgrounds. If you would like to become an advisor on the project, please reach out to to set up an introductory meeting.



Cooper Turley
FLUX Protocol

Flux Protocol Project Manager. Creating a new environmental standard for distributed data collection, storage, and intelligence. More at