The wildest thing you can do this summer

Karin Kloosterman
2 min readAug 10, 2016


Every time we take a bite of food, we build memories, and connections. Our food memories become tied to the places we come from, and visit; and to and those we love.

Food connects us to each other, but also to the planet that sustains us.

If we are lucky, some of know what it means to eat sweet carrots right from our grandfather’s garden. Or to collect sun-warmed wild berries and pop them right into our mouths. (No time to put them in pie!) Even luckier are those of us who have the courage, and patience, to start growing our own food.

We know that food, and our world, is changing. Instead of thousands of varieties of plants, our average diet consists of about 20. Nutritionists say this is not enough. We shop at warehouses for “fresh” produce where industrial packages of cellophane-wrapped peppers announce: “Farmer’s Market” and “Just Picked.”

We buy the lies and comfort ourselves because the alternatives of canned and frozen and pre-chewed food are worse. Many of us are dying from obesity, and diabetes. Our food system is badly broken. But we feel powerless to change it. Whether it’s organic, for food miles, fresh food any time of the year, special herbs, or food that contains certain minerals… people everywhere want to control their food destiny.

Just imagine fresh vegetable and fruit varieties, long forgotten by grocery stores. There are lost plants wired to our brains to spark creativity, passion, to heal. We no longer eat them.

flux imagined a future where every person can be part of the solution to the way we humans connect to each other and the planet that sustains us? This solution can be as creative and wild as the minds of the entire human race.

“The gardener cultivates wildness,” says food author Michael Pollan, “but he does so carefully and respectfully, in full recognition of its mystery.”

Want to enter into the wild world of growing your own food? You are not alone. Millions of us feel the same way. And that’s why we keep building, when everyone around us calls us crazy.

Our solution, Eddy, let’s you take food matters into our own hands. Access cutting-edge technologies until now available only to big industry. With Eddy, we’re already starting to spark new memories and life-worthy connections in homes, small businesses, restaurants and community centers:

Add Eddy to any hydroponic garden, and he helps you grow the world’s most sustainable and fresh food.

It’s a collective effort: With Eddy, every seedling you plant, and memory you bite into, builds a better future for all of us.

Join us in making life-worthy connections through food. Go wild with us.



Karin Kloosterman

Rebooting Green Prophet an eco news site. Building, reforming new brands.