How to measure iOS app start-up times

Mark Jarecki
Published in
1 min readApr 3, 2019


Short app load times are imperative to a good user experience.

The most important baseline measurement is the cold start time — the time it takes for your app to load before iOS calls main(), before any app data is cached in memory. A good load time is around 400ms.

To do this:

  1. Go to Xcode’s scheme navigator and select your app target.
  2. Press Edit Scheme….
  3. Select the Run action tab.
  4. Select the Arguments tab.
  5. Under the Environment variables section, press the + button.
  6. In the Name column, add DYLD_PRINT_STATISTICS.
  7. In the Value column, add 1.
Edit scheme

Now, when you run your build, the console panel with show the app’s pre-main times.

Typical console output

Make sure you measure this, before you ship.



Mark Jarecki
Editor for

Interactive product developer and information visualisation aficionado