Customer service just got interesting

Adapting is definitely the new normal: Chapter two

Jenny Burns
Magnetic Notes
2 min readApr 9, 2020


Call centres at home

Despite vast volumes of employees working from home, customers still need operational support and it’s truly amazing how many businesses have been able to set up remote call centres in a matter of days — something that has been a pipedream for well over a decade. However, some companies have struggled both with the security concerns presented by home working and the astronomical peak in call volumes that some brands have experienced. Customers calling British Airways about a refund will find themselves hung up on by an automated system, immediately after they hear the words “we appreciate your understanding at this time”. Virgin Media emailed its 5.5m cable and broadband customers to ask them to avoid calling. Banks, insurance companies and food retailers have all issued similar requests to customers seeking support, directing them online instead.

Other companies have been reconfiguring their processes, often overnight. Serco, a big contractor for the public sector, has moved more than a third of its call-centre workers to home-working. Several insurance firms are preparing for 100% home-based call centres, even if it means providing fewer services over the phone. They are having to make the choice: do we give no service or do we give a reduced service? C19 has certainly accelerated the inevitable future of customer service. Startups who are renowned for better digital experiences because of their lean approach to product design might quickly lose their edge as the slower and more complex incumbents are forced to rapidly adapt and catch up.

This is chapter 2 of 4. Check out ‘Boom and Bust’ to read on. If you’re interested in joining our Fluxx Exchange: C19 Business Recovery Guide Breakfast on the 22nd April 2020, get in touch with

Jenny Burns is an Executive Partner at Fluxx, a company that uses experiments to understand customers, helping clients to build better products. Find out more about our work with Zopa, Vogue, Nationwide and Croydon Council, or email Jenny Burns at

