DX@Scale becomes Flxbl /ˈfleksəb(ə)l)/. Why?

Ramzi Akremi
Published in
2 min readOct 8, 2023

The DX@Scale journey started five years ago. Like many open-source projects, we began by scratching our itches. We used it on a few projects and experienced the benefits of the approach and the tools.

Looking ahead a few years, we currently have a thriving community on our Slack channel, along with eight maintainers from different companies. Our tools are utilised by over 150 production organisations worldwide, including some significant brands we cannot publicly disclose.

Our aspirations extend beyond being perceived as simply a DevOps tool. We aim to serve as a hub for all open-source solutions that enhance the quality of Salesforce implementations, regardless of size.

In the upcoming months, we will introduce new capabilities to ease the transition from the happy-soup model to modular and composable Salesforce solutions, including the ability to create new environments quickly and other valuable features.

Why change the name?

You may be wondering why we are changing the name.

We heard from the community that you needed clarity on the ownership of these assets. Some couldn’t use DX@Scale even if they were interested. We intended to change this by moving DX@Scale to an open collective. We asked our previous organisation to release the brand but have received no response in over three months.

Hence, today, we are announcing Flxbl, a collective that will retain the IP along with its maintenance, a collective that you and your organisations can be part of and share the journey to an open development model in Salesforce and other business platforms.

What does this mean for our community?

As a result, we will change the branding of our Slack community, overhauling the documentation to a new home.

We are building a new website where you can follow our progress: https://flxbl.io.

We will carefully transition the existing tools, maintaining parity between Flxbl and DX@Scale for a while. After the cutoff date, we will only support the Flxbl versions.

The new tools and features will only be available under the Flxbl brand.

For our users, this will mean searching for all instances of DX@Scale and replacing them with Flxbl to redirect their pipelines to a new Docker and NPM registry.

In Summary

We are committed to delivering the best open-source solution to enhance the delivery of Salesforce solutions. We have exciting ideas, and you will see some of them soon.

We are simply claiming our independence.

