We Are With You: Black Lives Matter

FLXSTNow | Interviews
2 min readJul 9, 2020


Statement by FLXST Contemporary

Originally published in the FLXST Contemporary newsletter on June 4, 2020

As a Filipinx American, queer-owned contemporary art gallery, FLXST Contemporary is in the fight for racial inclusion and social justice through the work that we do. Our hearts are full of sadness and anger for the systemic racism that exists in our country and the violence that it continues to brutally arouse. We demand justice for George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and other black, brown, and indigenous people who have faced violence and death by the police state. We call out our President and others in power who would rather fan the flames of hate than offer nonviolent, equitable solutions.

FLXST Contemporary centers the work of artists of color and queer artists as we believe that visibility and representation matter. Our mission is driven by our anti-racist, decolonizing, queer, and trans-affirming ethos in our art programming. During moments like the ones we are all experiencing now, we know that art can move minds and hearts. We will continue to center the voices of underrepresented artists with the hope that their art can serve as catalysts for progressive transformations and social justice. Black Lives Matter. Stand with us to demand justice. We are with you.

In solidarity,
FLXST Contemporary

FLXST Contemporary is a contemporary fine arts and photography gallery and an arts incubator in Chicago. It showcases highly-evocative and uncompromising artwork by emerging and mid-career artists; and it supports the creation and exhibition of new artwork across visual mediums. FLXST Contemporary works with and represents mainly diasporic im/migrant artists, LGBTQ-identified artists, and artists of color based in Chicago and in other parts of the country.



FLXSTNow | Interviews

FLXSTNow is the publishing arm of FLXST Contemporary, a gallery based in Chicago. FLXST exhibits BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and immigrant contemporary emerging artists.