Expectation Minimization

Fly Ash
Published in
3 min readMay 27, 2020
@zoltantasi, Unsplash

The time is 00:33 AM in the night when I start writing this or thought of doing so. There was 2 previous attempt to write a blog in Google blogger platform 4–6 years apart from each other. The first one was on March 8th, 2010, just a year after Google launch blogger. I was a first-year bachelor student then. The only thing I was able to write is “I m read in <College Name> <Location>” with that horrible grammar.

4 years later, I tried 2nd time. On 25th February 2014. I have done with the bachelor's. I got a job in a multinational IT company. I did not join the company yet though. But still, I was only able to write “hello frnds,, this is my first blog,, today i start writing blogs,, “. English has been comparatively better than last time. That has been the only progress. Funny, is n’t it!

Now, the next attempt is today, on 28th May 2020. Amidst the corona crisis, I somehow stumbled upon my old blogging attempts and got motivated again. But this time, it is a little different than others.

In these last 6 years, I earned a master’s degree, some work experience in IT, and a big life lesson.

Have you ever try to start something new, super motivated at first, and eventually lost interest or even forget about it on the very next day? Yes, that used to happen very often with me before. That’s how the idea of writing blogs started and ended in the last two attempts. I forgot about it the very next day. But that’s not the worst part. The worst part is I never give it a thought of why it happens that way? Why something I am so excited about one day lost all my interest the very next day?

from your perspective, you may not agree with the answer or reason I found. But maybe it is the same for someone who still does not know why it happens with him/her if it happens.

We live in a world of Expectation-Maximization. We expect more and more from each and everything we do or we have or we can have. Expecting about the fruit before doing the needful work and expecting about the fruit more and more which eventually makes the required work looks more and more difficult to accomplish. That’s when we stop, without even starting it.

Now the world has succumbed to the Corona crisis where one can feel the heat. People are losing jobs, they neither have money to survive nor to return as communications are closed and it’s a worldwide lockdown everywhere. The situation now asks us to go to our basics as a child. Be unexpected and be happy with whatever little you got. You got some skills, use them, no matter how bad those skills are compared to others. Expect less. If you are having a meal twice a day and a place to stay, you got more than enough. Now is the time to reincarnate yourself with no expectation from life or anyone whomsoever. Put your skills forward, keep working consistently, and remember “Expectation Minimization”.

Please Like and Follow my blog, if you like this. I will come up with various ways of Expectation Minimization next. Pranam.

