Benefits of No-Code Developers tools

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5 min readDec 13, 2021

Background — the purpose of the No-code tools

No code tools are helping teams to move fast by building things they need, without being dependent on developers. No-code tools have been present on the market for years, but mostly for non-developer tasks, such as Project management, Documentation, Simple automation, Analytics, Websites builders and many more use cases. Some of these tools include:

Webflow — a no-code website builder that allows teams to build static sites.

Segment — customer data platform — enables simplified collection and usage of data from the users of the company’s digital assets (websites, apps, etc).

MixPanel — user analytics tool — tool that enables the companies to capture data on how users interact with their digital product. — no-code integration tool that integrates with over 200 apps. Users can build simple bots across different platforms by a drag-and-drop interface — creating triggers and actions easily between apps.

With increasing complexity of processes, lack of developers time and the increasing need of other teams (Marketing, Sales, HR, Operations) to deliver faster — No Code Developer tools are rapidly growing in reach and usage. Although no-code tools were originally started as tools for non-technical users, the situation has changed and today — developers can hugely benefit by using these tools.

No-code doesn’t literally mean there is no code at all. There are also low-code tools that require some level of coding, but much lower than traditional programming. There is no limit of no-code tools’ capabilities — from building apps, software management, organizing data etc. By using such no-code, or low-code tools — the developers can move faster and can rapidly create applications without line-by-line coding.

Top No-code tools for Developers

Here we will review some of the existing no-code developers’ tools, their main features and capabilities. All of these tools assist the developers in accomplishing certain dev operations — they all have a main purpose, provide fast actions and enable specific integrations.


· No-code tool that performs automated securing of the code, its dependencies, containers, and infrastructure as a code.

· The developers can uncover vulnerabilities in their code by integrating the Snyk tool (scanner) in their IDE, /done by few clicks/.

· Snyk will find issues in the code and will suggest a solution. It will also verify the updated code.

· Snyk provides GitHub connection and also API integration.


· Continuous integration tool for software development — integrating the code into the ‘main’ branch of a shared repository early and often.

· Developers can make fast code builds, debugging, automated testing, and deployment.

· The tool provides button/ mouse click actions, CLI and pre-build Docker images.

· Circleci provides GitHub connection and also API integration.


  • FlyCode is helping developers to cut the noise and the back-and-forth around product edits — so you can keep doing what you love.
  • Find resources and config — FlyCode quickly scans all your repos for text, image and config sections in your product. You can choose whether to give access to your public and/or private repos.
  • Git based changes, match your Git workflow— for all the changes you are making, FlyCode will send them back to your repo in a Pull Request.
  • Your apps are constantly challenging. FlyCode will monitor the changes and make sure that we always keep your source of truth.
  • The tool is changing traditional developers’ operation by simplifying product edits, bringing key contributors into the process and enabling teams to build products faster.

· Creates Continuous Documentation that pulls real time code from all your Repositories.

· Searches the entire code base and creates documents with embedded live code snippets.

· It is language-agnostic, platform independent; it saves the documentation as Markdown.

· Groups documents and external links to create Swimm Playlists that help new teammates dive right in.

· Provides GutHub integration, local GitHooks, CI integration and auto-sync of the documentation.


· Leading platform for Feature flags management. Feature’s flags enable modern development practices such as DevOps, CI/CD, and progressive delivery.

· Feature flags are if-else statements that decouple code deployments from feature releases, giving you control over which end-users see which features.

· The flags indicate a code or feature release, experiments, user permissions, and operations.

· LaunchDarkly enables flags management in JavaScript, AWS, SDK-s etc. It provides GitHub integration.


· No-code tool for frontend monitoring and product analytics.

· Monitors page load times, CPU / memory usage, browser crashes, and React component rendering.

· Monitors JavaScript errors, network failure, performance issues; provides custom metrics to see changes in any interaction, page, or feature; tracks funnel conversions, user flows, and event volumes.

· Helps developers to fix issues, increase conversions, and drive product engagement across web and mobile apps.

· Works natively in AWS, Azure, GCP, or Kubernetes. Provides GitHub integration.


· Authenticates users across all of your applications — securely and efficiently.

· Universal login process — orchestrates single sign-on (SSO) between multiple apps.

· Secure login, multi-factor authentication (MFA), bot detection, brute force protection, identifies suspicious IP-s, breached credentials and user context.

· Features a drag-and-drop flow editor, IntelliSense code completion, VS Code editor, drafting, version control, and enhanced testing and debugging capabilities.

· Auth0 provides GitHub and API integration.

The future of No-Code Dev tools

In today’s fast digital environment — it seems that no-code tools are getting their edge in purely developer (technical) tasks, along with their previous non-technical applications. There is no limit to their capabilities — from building apps, software and website management, dev-ops operations, organizing data, etc.

The difference — if a developer is using a No-code or Low Code tool (like Snyk or Flycode) vs. Internal build– lies in the speed and smoothness of performing actions, and the correctness of the outcomes. Services (tools) produced with no-code or low-code platforms are robust enough to be used in different departments, multiple companies, and also in customers / partners locations.

Developers adopt No-Code Dev tools because they can move faster, automate their workflow and save time. Especially — the capability of the Github-based dev tools, which enable the developers to sync their code and start working without integration.

We at FlyCode have created a No-code developer tool that helps developers to ship faster by eliminating the back-and-forth around product edits. We sync with your GitHub and match your workflow with a product editor so you can ship faster. FlyCode is changing traditional developers’ operation by simplifying product edits, bringing key contributors into the process and enabling teams to build products faster.

Using more No-Code Dev tools you love? Add them in the comments below or reach out to us :)



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FlyCode helps developers and product teams to ship faster by eliminating the back-and-forth around product edits.