How Product Managers can work work like software engineers? 👩‍💻

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4 min readDec 15, 2021

Speed is the name of the game today in software development as organizations race in a bid to gain time to market with quality products. Product managers face multiple challenges in getting Frontend and UI changes done. Here’s where FlyCode — a no-code platform saves time and makes product managers hyper-efficient.

Today’s complex software development world

Software development has become highly competitive today as companies race to launch their products and services fast. The information technology industry has become highly complex, vast, and dynamic. Software development has its own set of challenges like rapid changes in technology trends, growing complexities, and rising software development challenges.

With the advancement of cloud computing and SaaS applications, applications and web platforms are available across multiple devices from desktops to mobile devices like laptops and hand-held feature-rich smartphones. In 2021, the software as a service (SaaS) market is estimated to be worth approximately 145.5 billion U.S. dollars, as per Statista.

Importance of product changes

An application’s user interface (UI) is an essential visual interface that your users perform interactions with. Organizations ensure that Frontend and UI is visually appealing, user-friendly, and easy to navigate. Product changes are rising due to constant changes, competitive pressures, customer requests, regulation and technology updates. However, product managers waste a lot of time delivering product changes that delay the overall product releases.

What are the common challenges a Product manager faces?

Product managers face many challenges, unlike before. Some of the common challenges for product managers include the likes of –

  • Organizational communications
  • Tough deadlines
  • Keeping the product roadmap on track
  • Team alignment
  • Balancing responsibilities
  • Keeping pace with technology
  • Managing customer satisfaction
  • Balance Engineering priorities

One of the common challenges is the delay in getting changes done for product changes workflows. With the rapid pace of digital transformation and the need to adapt to competitive challenges, product managers get pressured to enhance product changes and release them fast to speed up delivery. A product change can be simple UI changes, text, image, formulas or more complex changes that involve team collaboration.

Typically, a product manager has his hands full and struggles to align time and priorities to get the product on time to market.

Let us look at an example of a product manager who needs to make some product changes. The below process gets followed:

  1. The product manager will have to suggest a change request as per the organization’s processes. There will be a lot of back and forth that happens with various teams and their members like the UX designer, the content team, marketing, legal teams, etc.
  2. After seeking necessary approvals, the product manager approves changes to the features and aligns development and QA for coding and testing.
  3. Product manager will need to open a ticket and prioritize the task for the development team.
  4. Once the changes are ready, the product manager approves the changes for Go-live and final product testing.

Phew! Sounds overwhelming, doesn’t it? And what are the pain areas in this process?

  • There is a lot of time wasted for the product manager and the teams to make product changes.
  • A change requires involving many people from cross-functional teams and is an ineffective way of managing the change process that wastes a lot of time for the team.
  • The change management process lacks efficiency and is not streamlined.
  • The whole process explained above lacks intuitiveness when the change process can be done efficiently with FlyCode.

Based on Flycode survey of 73 companies, a typical change in a product could take 6.5 hours. But with FlyCode, we can save you hours per change.

Save at least 30% of the time per product change

How does FlyCode help the product manager?

  • FlyCode saves time, speeds up the product manager’s job, and helps make the change workflow quicker and faster.
  • FlyCode scans all your repositories for text, image, and config sections in your product so that finding your screen is instant.
  • Edit your flows through a visual editor and free the developer’s time
  • All teams can collaborate on a single screen in real-time, which makes for faster decision-making.
  • You avoid end-to-end testing for each change.

FlyCode and the Git workflow

Moreover, FlyCode offers Git-based changes that match your Git workflow. For every change that gets made, FlyCode sends them back to your repository in a Pull Request.

You also get Continuous monitoring where FlyCode monitors the changes, always having the latest version.You can manage text across all your Web Applications. FlyCode’s intuitive dashboard allows you to edit text values directly and ask a developer to accept them.

Organizations need to deliver changes quickly, and FlyCode is a simple, quick, and easy No-code platform that can save time and effort with product changes. Empower product managers and teams to improve efficiency by saving time and effort.



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FlyCode helps developers and product teams to ship faster by eliminating the back-and-forth around product edits.