The Best Skydiving Destinations in the World

Author: Brittany Nelson

Flying Yak
Published in
4 min readFeb 8, 2016


Not to be morbid here, but if you’re going to risk your life skydiving, you might as well have some of the best views in the world while doing so. In short: do it right or don’t do it at all. Here are the best and most beautiful spots around the world to fly through the sky and to get the biggest adrenaline rush of your life.

1) Fox Glacier, New Zealand

Voted the “second most scenic sky dive in the world” (first being Mt. Everest), you are sure to fly over the Westlake National Park, rainforests, rivers, lakes the Tasman sea, along with the largest glaciers and snowfields in the Southern Alps.

2) Interlaken, Switzerland

If you’re visiting Europe and are craving some life-altering adrenaline, there’s nowhere better to skydive than in Interlaken. This adventurous town will put you in the clouds to view the very best of Europe: Italy, France, Germany and Austria and the Alps.

3) Snohomish, Washington, US

This location tops the US region, where you can feast your eyes on Mt. Rainer and Mt. Baker in the Cascades Mountain Range as well as the San Juan Islands. Just 45 minutes north of Seattle, this easy-to-get-to spot will leave a mark you’ll never forget.

4) North Wollongong Beach, Sydney, Australia

You’ll be hard-pressed to find a best travel list without Australia on it. The blue-watered, sealife-rich area attracts millions of tourists every year. What’s more beautiful than soaring through the air with the Sydney coastline as your view, and then stopping for a dip at North Wollongong Beach afterwards?

Skydive the beach

5) Pattaya, Thailand

One hour south of Bangkok, you’ll find this delicious destination, the only full-time drop zone in Southeast Asia. Enjoy some curry and a relaxing Thai massage afterwards.

6) Dubai, Palm Jurmeirah

This pick is unique to the list: it’s best for a city scape view and is a new ‘top spot’ for skydiving. Skydive championships are hosted here, a competition sponsored by The Emirates Aerosport Federation (EAF).

7) Hawaii

Hawaii is one of those places that is known for pretty much anything you’d want on a vacation: gorgeous views and beaches, impeccable weather and plenty of activities to do such as surfing, hiking, swimming and much more. Add skydiving to that list: you’ll enjoy seeing all eight islands in addition to a panoramic view of nothing but ocean.

8) Mt. Everest, Nepal

Taking the cake, skydiving Mt. Everest is not for the faint of heart. Coming at a hefty price tag and a 6-month reservation required, this spot is reserved for the extreme adrenaline junkies, or for those who don’t want to climb, but still see, the highest point in the world.

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