Watch Your Business Grow

The Unmatched Power of Video Marketing

John Marianetti
2 min readJun 18, 2021


You likely won’t be surprised that today’s most-consumed content is video. And not just for our personal streaming enjoyment. Video has also become the popular choice for marketers, with 86% of businesses now using video as a marketing tool, up from 63% in just three years.¹

That growth in marketing-related video is understandable when you consider that it’s also become the preferred choice for consumers considering doing business with a company or making a purchase, whether they’re watching product or service explainer videos, company overviews, or customer testimonials. In fact, in a survey of 3,000 consumers conducted by HubSpot, more than half wanted to see more video content from a brand or business they support.²

That increase in video supply and demand leads to results. 93% of businesses claim they have acquired a new customer because of a video on their website or social channels.³

Recently, we put video to work on LinkedIn for a tech client hoping to raise their brand awareness with Chief Information Officers and IT executives. The result? An impressive click-through rate of 0.86% — four times higher than average for B2B videos and twice the average for LinkedIn sponsored ads. Video views to completion were 30% and, most importantly, it generated strong leads.

Concerned about the cost of producing a professional looking video? The payoff is worth it, as 88% of businesses that use video content are satisfied with their return on investment.⁴ You also don’t need to create a long, expensive “magnum opus” production. The truth is that shorter, more frequent videos keep your content fresh and are more likely to generate return viewers to your site or social channels, be shared, and create stronger brand awareness.

And here’s something about video content that may surprise you: while video is the preferred source of content for Millennials and tech-savvy consumers, according to Forbes Insights, video content has become a critical information source for senior executives as they gather and filter important business information regarding vendors and competitors.

So, as you’re developing your next marketing plan, remember: if you’re looking to generate leads and acquire customers, influence decision makers, and increase revenue, make sure you look to video.

