Getting data from BigQuery to Facebook Ads in under 5 minutes

Growth Loop
Published in
2 min readApr 26, 2021

You’ve put a lot of work into your customer data warehouse in BigQuery. Your data team has been stitching together source data on your customers for months: mobile app interactions, email opens, transaction history, loyalty program data.

The next big question is how do you generate value from all of this customer data? You can use it in data visualizations in Tableau, Looker, PowerBI of course, but how do you go beyond visualizations?

We’re going to show you how in 5 minutes you can activate your customer data in BigQuery to Facebook Ads to target ad campaigns.

But, first, let’s take a quick step back. Why send your data to Facebook Ads in the first place from BigQuery? We see several common use cases across clients where bringing the power of BigQuery to Facebook Ads can create real business value. Some of the common use cases we see include:

  1. Best Customer Lookalikes — Exporting lists of your best customers to Facebook to find “lookalikes” to acquire.
  2. Churn Re-activation — Exporting lists of customers who have churned and you are trying to win back based on what they purchased in the past.
  3. Free to Paid Conversion — Exporting lists of free sign-ups you are trying to convert to paid customers.
  4. Upsell Non-Email Openers — The majority of your customers don’t read your emails, unfortunately. For those non-readers, you can get in front of them on Facebook for cross-selling and upsell to new products. This is a clever use case we see all the time.

When activating your BigQuery customer data in Facebook there are a few key elements to consider:

  1. One time vs Ongoing Sync — Do you want the customer segment in BigQuery to be sent once to Facebook? Or do you want it to update every day based on which customers now fit your segment criteria (ie. churned customers). Usually, we see customers want ongoing sync, but find it difficult to implement in practice.
  2. Measurement — Are you going to hold back any portion of your customer segment as a control group to measure if Facebook is driving incremental revenue?

With Flywheel you can start syncing your BigQuery data to Facebook Ads in a few simple steps:

Send data from BigQuery to Facebook Ads
  1. Setup BigQuery as a Source
  2. Create customer segment based on the data you have in BigQuery
  3. Select a treatment/control group
  4. Export to Facebook Ads

You are done. Every day we’ll load new users that fit your customer segment and remove the ones that no longer qualify. And you have a control group held out for measurement that is stored in BigQuery for you.

If you are interested in how to sync your BigQuery data to Facebook Ads reach out to us at

