FM Gallery Special BSC Blindboxes Drawing Tutotrial

M Space News
FM Gallery
Published in
6 min readApr 23, 2021

1、Visit our website:

2、Connect to your wallet

Option1: Connect using Metamask wallet:

(1)If you already have BSC network

Step 1:Find Metamask in your browser extension, and select “Binance Smart Chain Mainnet”

Step 2:Click “Connect” on the upper right corner

Step 3:Click “Metamask” to connect your wallet

Step 4:Follow the instruction to connect your Metamask wallet. After you connect, the icon next to your wallet address on the upper right corner will show “BEP20” which means you have successfully connected to BSC network.

(2)If you don’t have BSC network

Step 1:Go to our websit

Step 2:Click “Connect” on the upper right corner

Step 3:Click “Metamask”

Step 4:A Metamask notification will ask you to add the BSC network, click “Approve” to continue

Step 5:Click “Swich network” and switch to the BSC network,follow the instruction and create your Binance network account. After you finish, you could change to Binance network directly on Metamask.

Step 6:After you connect, the icon next to your wallet address on the upper right corner will show “BEP20” which means you have successfully connected to BSC network.

(3)You can also connect to BSC through Custom RPC

Step 1:Go to the browser extension, and click “Metamask”

Step 2: Click the “Ethereum Mainnet” displaying on the upper dropdown menu of the metamask page.

Step 3: select “Custom RPC”

Step 4: Fill in the custom information for BSC as the following:

Network Name: Binance Smart Chain Mainnet

New PRC URl:

Chain ID: 56

Currency Symbol: bnb

Block Explorer URL:

Step 5: After you finish, click “Save” to add the RPC

Step 6: After you click “Save” your metamask wallet page should look like the following

Step 7: Go to our website Click “Connect” on the upper right corner.

Step 8: Click “Metamask” to connect your wallet

Option2: Connect using WalletConnect

Step 1:Go to our website Click “Connect” on the upper right corner.

Step 2:Click “WalletConnect” and a QR code will pop up

Step 3: We will be using TokenPocket as an example here, create a BSC account on the TokenPocket.

Step 4: Using the “Scan” function in TokenPocket to scan the QR code displaying on our website.

3、Exchanging FMG on BSC


Users could get FMG on the BSC chain by BNB/FMG exchanging on the Pancakeswap

(2)Pancake Swap tutorial

Step 1:Go to Pancakeswap and connect using a Binance wallet.

Step 2:Click “Trade” and “Exchange” on the left culum.

Step 3: Click “Select a currency”

Step 4:Under “Select a token” enter the FMG address: 0x72A167C9783b7d4fFf91d43A60e00D25957A50f8,and then select “FMG”

Step 5:Enter the BNB amount you would like to use to exchange, and the amount of FMG will be automatically calculated. Click “Unlock Wallet” to exchange, and the FMG will be sent to the Binance wallet you used to connect to the Pancakeswap.

4、ERC20-FMG cross chain bridge BSC-FMG Tutorial


Go to ChainSwap website:

(2)ChainSwap Operation Process

Step 1:Use your Metamask that has ERC-20-FMG to connect

Step 2:Click “Select a Token”

Step 3:Enter “FMG” and select the option appeared below

Step 4:Enter the FMG amount you wish to cross chain bridge under “Amount”. Click “Claim List” and follow the instructions to complete the cross chain.

Step 5:After you complete the cross chain. The FMG will be sent to the BSC address, and users can use the FMG in this BSC wallet to purchase the blind box.

5、BSC Blind Box Drawing Procedure

Step 1: Go to our website:, and click “Connect” on the upper right corner.

Step 2: Click “Metamask” to connect your wallet with FMG.

Step 3: Click “Drops” to see our BSC blind box series. Click on the blinds box series to view more.

Step 4: Click “Draw” to draw the blind box

Step 5: Click “Draw” to draw the blind box

Step 6: The website will then confirm with you the amount of FMG required for drawing the blind box. Click “Confirm” to complete the blind box drawing

After completing the payment, you can open the blind box to view the prizes you have drawn.

Please note: The NFTs included in the “Legends — Tales from the future” will be minted within a week after purchase. NFTs included in Artist Exclusive Collections are not minted until purchasing has closed. Popular NFTs may take 24–48 hours to appear in a user’s account — patience is appreciated. All auction and blindbox NFT artworks will be available for trade on

About FM Gallery

FM Gallery is a blockchain-based distribution platform for NFT artworks. We strive to empower the world of arts and fashion with innovative art fragments as well as autonomous fan communities. With blockchain technology, an artwork can be divided into several fragments. Each fragment, represented by an NFT, contains a unique art story. By collecting fragments, users are able to complete the artwork and redeem the completed NFT for physical artworks. Collaborating with top artists, galleries and auction houses around the world, we will continue to release physical and virtual crypto artworks on our blockchain.

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