Introducing the Genesis Blind Box Series

M Space News
FM Gallery
Published in
7 min readMar 11, 2021

The Genesis Blind Box Series includes three packs in different rarities — common, rare and legendary. By opening a pack, users will randomly receive an NFT artwork designed by renowned artists with an estimated value of up to $42,500 or receive a generous reward box of WAH tokens. Holders of WAH, FM Gallery’s governance token, will receive exclusive access to participate in the platform’s NFT staking and mining programs in the future.

Common Pack

Supreme Release

Supreme Release represents the shedding of self and escalation/transition into spirit. The figure is rising out of the water, showing a cleansing of mind and body. The figure has been freed of their physical bounds and is now freed to inhabit the realm of nature and the metaphysical world.

Click here to learn more about Chad Knight

Seven Deadly Sins

This series is constructed with seven characters that are reflections of evilness within every human.

The story of it is these 7 children have become the puppet of their sins, controlled by the mask they are wearing. The overwhelming eagerness from these childish hearts have led to the destruction of the people surrounding. Children have incredible power and gifts, yet are easy to corrupt. And deep down in our heart, aren’t we all children?

The characters are combined with half realistic, half abstract form and shapes to represent a higher power that stimulates the evilness within them, the power that can see their weakness and take over them.

The whole culture background is based on Asian traditional culture. It’s a combination of western deadly sins with the eastern appearance. The internal evilness is the same.


All the money in the world, with any cost.


Let it burn, burn to the hell.


It’s never enough.


Love or Death.




Lazy is Lazy.


There shall be no one.

Click here to learn more about Shan Qiao

Golden Traditions

This series of paintings by Chan is an exploration in the cultural use of the colour gold within western and eastern civilizations. These paintings are part of the process of study in questioning the notion of value perceptions throughout history.

Chan portrayed portraits behind a golden type of veil, inspired by the classical marble sculptures of Italy by artists like Bernini. To the golden moon’ depicts a comedic angle of the meme culture using tiles of mahjong.

Click here to learn more about Peter Chan

Rare Pack


Disconconjunction represents the different stages of human life- our spirit, our body and our death. With Spirit emerging from the top toward the sky, the body hovers in the middle- a temporary state of being. Spirit and death are permanent, it is only life which is temporary. Knowing that our existence hangs between such a delicate balance, we can appreciate our time here on earth.

Click here to learn more about Chad Knight

Kali Yuga

This piece is a high-quality photo of a 6-panel oil painting. The painting was created by combining elements from other artists' paintings including Raphael, Rubens, Caravaggio and others. I got the idea to combine elements like this from hip-hop music where “sampling” is prevalent. These elements are juxtaposed to create my view on the world today.

In the upper left panel, figures converse and write. these figures are primarily based on Raphael

In the middle-upper panel Shiva is blended together with Jesus into one deity.

In the upper right panel figures again are talking, ignoring what is happening below them. this has elements of Rembrandt and Michelangelo as well as Raphael.

In the lower-left panel we see the violence and chaos of the world.

In the lower center panel a lone figure faces the future.

In the lower right panel humanity loses its intellectual path.

The underlying thought process behind the combination of these ideas is best left to the viewer.

In Hindu mythology, the “kali yuga” is the current age of man. it is the most evil age. when it ends, we will go back to an age of innocence.

Click here to learn more about NFN Kalyan

5 Demons

Hell is undoubtedly a dreadful place filled with pain and suffering. The ones subjugated to it are destined to eternal suffering. But according to some Christian traditions, the souls of sinners are not the only ones there. They share their misery in the company of the most sinister creatures, conventionally known as demons. Among them, these 5 demons stand out the most from others so I created this collection in which I tried to describe how these characters would fit in my world of aesthetics.


Belphegor the lord of the fire, is also known as the demon of laziness. Based on Christian literature, Belphegor had once been a powerful Archangel named Baal-Peor.

When the rebellion of Lucifer was unleashed in the heavens, he did not join the rebelling angels nor did he support the army of the Lord’s angels. Due to this crime he was considered a traitor and cast out into hell.

Azazel was one of the Fallen Angels who rebelled against God. Azazel is a lustful demon and was carnally related to the woman who lived on earth. The fruits of this union were known as Nephilim. Azazel who once had been an angel, became an archdemon who represents the sin of Wrath.

Asmodeus is one of the most powerful underworld demons. His origin is found in the most demonic man that ever existed. He was the king of Sodom, The Sin City. Asmodeus guided Sodom’s citizens towards sin, thus the city endured

God’s wrath and was destroyed. Asmodeus was elevated to a demon. When he reaches hell, due to his lust, he’s related to that sin.

Lucifer, the prince of Hell, was the leader of the Angels, who rebelled against God. Lucifer was the most beautiful of all celestial beings, and thus the sin of pride took hold of him. His excessive pride led him to compare himself with God. So he started a rebellion against his creator. The demons were defeated. The rebelling forces were banished from heaven and thrown into hell.

Lilith was created with clay along with Adam. Since she was created by God in the same way as Adam, Lilith did not demean her husband’s commands because she felt she was equal to him. Lilith and Adam lived in the Garden of Eden but Lilith’s rebellion put her in a situation where she was forced to choose between submitting to her husband or leaving the Garden of Eden. Lilith was not willing to give up her independence therefore she left Adam and the Garden of Eden behind. Due to her decision to reject the Creator, Lilith was demonized. She was now considered a woman-shaped demon.

Click here to learn more about Klarens Malluta

Legendary Pack

Earth Angel

Earth Angel is a 3D image of a celestial being reclining in the earths forests. Her body is outstretched in the same manner as Leonardo DaVinci’s Vitruvian Man, suggesting a correlation to human’s proportions and natures sacred geometry. The angel’s movements have disrupted the forest, causing trees to be removed in the shape of angels wings. The figure lays supine in repose, being at one with the earth and experiencing nature’s divine serenity.

Click here to learn more about Chad Knight


Unbreakable represents a divine being coming to realize its full potential. This is as symbolized by the sun revealing itself behind it, as if illuminating a path. Throughout my life, I have run up against obstacles and conflict, but there always seemed to be a divine light shining a path for me to cut through the darkness. It is through perseverance of spirit that humans become unbreakable and can unlock their true destiny.

Click here to learn more about Chad Knight

Angel of Night

The beat of her wings rests upon our ears

like distant thunder

like the strike of the moon across the hot black sky

She is a rising star and a falling thought

the sweet caress of the mind washed smooth by sleep

Beautiful Leliel, Angel of Night

you’ve been away too long

Click here to learn more about Peter Mohrbacher

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