Migrating traditional industries onto blockchain: BLOCKS mission is bold.

Published in
6 min readFeb 15, 2022

Get to know the project from BLOCKS’ Co-Founders themselves!

Dear Traders!

We had the pleasure of hosting Adam Wolfe and Calvin Weight, the founders of Blocks DAO for an informative live AMA session where we learned more about them and their exciting project — the first ever legally organized US DAO!

Don’t feel bad if you missed it, here’s our recap of the AMA session! Enjoy reading!


AMA session with Blocks DAO from Feb 10, 2022.

Shlomi Gibly — marketing manager of FMFW.io

Adam Wolfe & Calvin Weight — founders of Blocks DAO


Shlomi Gibly: Hello everyone, Happy to see you are all excited. Today, We are glad to introduce 3 guests from BLOCKS DAO. Calvin Wright, one of the co-founders of BLOCKS, Adam Wolfe who is also one of the co-founders of BLOCKS. And the “Ghost” who is advisor for BLOCKS. Say hi to our community

Ghost: Hello
Adam Wolfe: Hi all happy to be here!
Calvin Weight: Hi everyone

Shlomi: Great! Could you give our community the elevator pitch about BLOCKS?

Calvin Weight: Sure — I’ll go
Ghost: We are the first legally organized US DAO EVER!
Calvin Weight: We are the first DAO LLC organized in the state of Wyoming in the United States.
Ghost: We have a utility token that is used both for governance and as a utility to help traditional businesses move part or all of their business to the Blockchain.
Calvin Weight
: The token is blockchain agnostic and will be cross chained as necessary to fulfill needed use cases.
Ghost: Our token is already being used in what is called “verified by BLOCKS” which authenticates the originality of NFTs on the Blockchain. Also we have partnerships including one where the US Airforce is looking at BLOCKS to authenticate military credentials on the Blockchain and partnership with a Blockchain accelerator out of Latin America to use BLOCKS throughout LatAM Hope that helps define the basics of what BLOCKS is…

Shlomi: That is interesting! Let’s really dive into what are the main utilities of the BLOCKS token?

Adam Wolfe: BLOCKS facilitates on-chain data. This utility is powerful for business partners who want to leverage a public ledger.
Calvin Weight: What makes BLOCKS interesting is that the use cases are designed to support the BLOCKS economy. Partners will “spend” BLOCKS as part of the smart contracts so BLOCKS are needed as we onboard more businesses.

Shlomi: Ghost, Adam, & Calvin that is Fascinating. It really does help. so looking into the utilities you mentioned I can’t help but wonder, What are the main problems you see in the industry right now?

Ghost: One of the issues with Blockchain technology is that many businesses THINK they should be utilizing the tech but have no idea how to even go about that. BLOCKS — is being organized as a token that can be molded into many forms that can help simplify not only how that all works but even more to help business figure out WHICH part of their business would benefit most from the Block Chain
Calvin Weight: There are many ways blockchain can be used to help business, but most businesses don’t know how to get involved. We have a community that will hold their hand and get them going.
Adam Wolfe: Blockchain curious businesses most likely have no idea where to start. There are many blockchains which can cause analysis paralysis. BLOCKS can unlock its utility across blockchains which opens a lot of potential for different business use cases. This allows the DAO to propose solutions with fewer restrictions related to scaling or TPS.

Shlomi: That is true. Blockchain can be intimidating. Last but not least from me. Any interesting events that our community should know about?

Ghost: Our DAO community which is governing the DAO as a community has already voted to set up many different sub committees including a BizDev group — this group interfaces with partners and business to help them learn how to use BLOCKS for their particular needs
Calvin Weight: @wolfead has made implementation easier from a dev standpoint as the git-hub is modular and easy to implement.
Ghost: Many events are happening all the time — we regularly do Airdrops — in fact there is a Super Bowl airdrop this weekend!
Adam Wolfe: Thanks. The apps in the GitHub are essentially mini dapps that show individual devs and partners how to connect to the BLOCKS contract and fulfill various functions, like adding permanent NFT metadata to a BLOCKS transaction.
Ghost: Also we have more partnerships developing new Tech including that verified by BLOCKS is being productized to make it easy for all platforms to use in fighting fraud — not just in NFTs but also in Supply Chain for example

Shlomi: Pay attention to these events guys, You can get blocks on super bowl. Thank you guys for a killer AMA! I will let our community take the lead as they have the best questions!


BLOCKS DAO, LLC aims to migrate traditional industries onto blockchain. Through a blend of blockchain and non-blockchain partnerships, BLOCKS intends to grow the utility of its digital asset to become a unit of measure for Blockchain.

Stay up to date with new features and plans for the crypto world and follow the company online:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/blocks_dao

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BLOCKS.DAO

Blog: https://www.blocks.io/blog

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/GdqCSkSTPe

That’s not it….!

We would also like to give away prizes to our winners!

Yes, we have selected the top 5 questions of this session and ready to announce the lucky ones:

Winning questions:

@Mishori — How important is the community to you? and how can we collaborate or help you for the development of the project?

Calvin Weight — The community is the entire strenght of the token. Governance has been passed to the DAO since day one so everyone who holds at least one token has a voice.

@Nelano010 Multichain is not just a trend, it is the future of the crypto world. Currently,#BLOCKS is present on which chains? And in the future, what are your next plans for Multichain development?

Adam Wolfe — BLOCKS is currently on ETH, Gnosis Chain (formerly xDai) and Polygon. We are looking at BSC and Fantom. These sidechain tokens are unlocked when a partner buys BLOCKS on the open market and swaps with the DAO for access to these sidechains. BLOCKS can be deployed on any EVM compatible protocol. The goal is to be able to meet a business partner wherever they wish to be or recommend the best protocol based on use case.

@Aiosimaz Community support is one of the key catalysts to fuel a project to success. Most projects have social programs that interact with their users. Do you have any important plans to attract and expand the community outreach & improve users experience?

Calvin Weight — The community of BLOCKS DAO is working on this independently — a proposal to create a community marketing group was voted on and passed. They proposed a budget and are working to expand our reach on a daily basis. Anyone here who is interested should join the discord: https://discord.gg/DsQZHQGhpn

@Iamcata In providing service to migration of traditional industries onto blockchain, how Blocks handle issues incompeten persons regarding crypto knowledge at the certain industries?

Adam Wolfe — The plan here is to meet with larger partners and help guide initial development leveraging our GitHub projects as guides. Most businesses do have developers who can quickly integrate BLOCKS once they experiment with the demo apps we have created. The community also plans to create tutorial videos that show devs how to get up and running quickly with BLOCKS.

@minatoghe What strategy will you implement to bring non-crypto-natives into your ecosystem? How do you keep a balance between developing the technology and also improving the value of your token?

Calvin Weight — Onramps make all the difference — we are available on a payment app called humblpay in the app store or play store. In this fashion we can be used as payment, but also be purchased in the context of a marchant and payments.

Congratulations TRADERS!

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