Is E-Learning a problem or solution?

Jyotshna Sharma
Fnplus Club
Published in
3 min readFeb 11, 2018

If there exits a problem then its bound to have a solution to it. So, what should be our priority? Finding a solution or finding the cause.

Well, how can you possibly think of a solution without a problem!

As a college student there has been a lot of problems that all of us have been facing.

But have we ever got into a proper discussion in relation to all these issues occurring?

Probably not, and it starts from here itself when we don’t speak. Here I wanted to discuss some common problems that I have faced as a current college student. As students we have the urge and eagerness to grow and an immense pool of curiosity still unanswered. We try to learn through online courses because it’s almost impossible to take out ample time from our busy and hectic college schedule and go for personal coaching classes. Placements are the foremost things in our mind and occupies more than one-fourth of our thoughts. And at that specific moment, we go wrong!

First of all, companies are looking for skills and not for certificates. Its useless to show them something of which you don’t have much knowledge about.

And lately, applying for online courses have come to be a part of the trend where you invest money just to get a certified certificate. To be more specific, I would say- sites to buy certificates!

Obviously, I cannot just criticize all the online courses provided to the students. All I want is to explain about the problems generally faced by a student.

The main stream problem is the lack of efficiency in solving the doubts and questions that are being faced by the students and the lack of confrontation that they are provided with. It can be resolved by conducting live sessions and lectures. These lectures are now possible through the up-surging technology.

There has always been a lack of personal touch whenever we speak of online learning. Now this can be solved by creating teams and pairs of students and mentors where each and every mentor should be assigned a particular group of students and be responsible for their progress. This will help in maintaining the zeal of the students and give a more productive output.

And as I came across zeal and enthusiasm, it strikes me that the passion and energy with which a particular student comes into the process of self-learning experiences a bad pitch down the graph and it eventually subsides and disappears. Sooner or later the student just drops down the course even if it results in the loss of money. To maintain the interest of a student is more important than handling that student a piece of paper(certificate)which will be of no value to them.

There is even more to this chapter. Can you find a path if you don’t have a road to travel?

Obviously, not! Most of the students are not familiar with their weaknesses and strength.

Now here comes in the career counselling. A proper session of counselling can give right direction to their stream of knowledge.

And the next problem that I have come across is about the quality of the online courses offered. The courses are focusing on money making standards and neglecting the urge to impart knowledge to innovative minds and blooming talent. This guides them into the wrong path and their efforts gets wasted to a large extent.

In the end, merely talking about the problems and solutions won’t be doing enough for the practical world. Action speaks louder than words and that’s needed in the current era of Information and Technology. Practical, logical and reasonable learning.

