Google I/O ’19 Extended Chennai

Juhi Singh
Fnplus Club
Published in
8 min readMay 27, 2019
Hello Everyone!!

A lot of you might know about Google I/O which is an annual developer conference. This event is usually extended to other cities and countries by the local developer groups, which predominantly is done by GDG. This year’s I/O extended in Chennai was organized by the GDG.

Ok, a little about what a GDG is and what they do. “GDGs are local group of developers who are specifically interested in Google products and APIs. Each local group is called a GDG chapter and can host a variety of technical activities for developers — from just a few people getting together to watch our latest videos, to large gatherings with demos and tech talks, to hackathons.” (Source: Google Developers)

Let’s Start Now!!

Before me telling you would have already known what this blog is about. So no extra spoilers to be given. Anyway, I’ll be sharing my experience of my very first GDG event. I met Somasundaram Mahesh in Women Tech Makers. He told me about I/O extended is to be held on May 18. He sent me the registration link for me to register. Before few weeks prior to the event I got the confirmation. The event was held at Altimetrik. Now with high level of excitement for my very first GDG event, I reached the venue, did the check in and settled down there and waited for the event to start.

So here we go!! Guess who was hosting the event? My favorite and mostly everyone’s favorite Saikiran Sondarkar He was also a co-organizer for the event. He began with his usual fun way of engaging the crowd. He briefed about the event and also said that we would have goodies and swags for challenges on Twitter and Kahoot. I was excited because swags makes me get started just like every other developers. 😆

To begin with the event there was a video of I/O ’19 highlights which was played for first few minutes. We had more than 150 geeks at the venue. We were split into two batches because the venue seating arrangement couldn’t accommodate everyone in the same hall. The video was around 13 minutes and it was really exciting.The video was a quick recap of what happened at I/O this year and it was all about the latest advancements and future plans at Google. Without saying much about it I request you to watch it here.

Session 1

It was time to call our first speaker Ayush Shekhar. When we all were looking at someone like a pro developer to come up and speak, I was flabbergasted to see a 3rd year student from SRM to speak. I am in the same 3rd year sitting here to attend a event and there goes a 3rd year student to speak and demonstrate “Building Flutter app for Web and Desktop”. If you are probably hearing this “Flutter” term, which is not really fluttering here, but it’s a cross-platform UI toolkit or like an SDK to build apps for Android, iOS, Desktop, Web with just a single codebase and that just made me go like, “Wow! 😲”. Instead of writing code for every platform which consumes lot of time, flutter just makes things so easy. Ok, this is nothing like React. It uses Dart code and has a dart to js compiler in it. Quite simple right? I knew about flutter sometime back and something held me back from learning it but his sublime talk made it look so simple. It was great listening him.

For those of you who wants to experience running flutter apps on different platforms in parallel follow his github page here. The ReadMe section helps you get started. Do read his Flutter for Web and Flutter for Desktop articles. And for reference here are the slides for that. And get in touch with Ayush on LinkedIn

Session 2

Next Session was “Demystifying TensorFlow” by David Raj from Altimetrik who is an Enterprise architect with 20 years of industry experience in Database Architecture, Database Administration, Application Security, Performance Tuning, Capacity Planning, Data analytics, Enterprise Integration, and many others. Prior to Altimetrik he worked at RBS, JP Morgan, Barclays, Siemens to mention a few. His key interests is on Data science, Machine Learning, Enterprise data architecture, and is an official mentor for Coursera Deep learning and Neural network. He is also an AWS certified developer.

David Raj on TensorFlow

He started with basic definitions and architecture of TensorFlow. Tensorflow is Open source software library for numerical computations. He spoke about the various flavors in TensorFlow like tensorflow.js. Few topic which has been covered by him is given below.

  • Architecture of tensorflow
  • Dissecting a simple neural network
  • Tensors - Axes vs Dimensions
  • Steps -Develop Deep neural network without tensorflow using numpy
    Use keras and build DNN
    Use tensorflow to do some low level computing

The sources which he mentioned

  • Deep learning –Francois Chollet
  • Hands on Machine learning with scikit learn , keras, and tensorflow — Aurelien Geron
  • Udemy course –Jose Portilla
  • Tensorflow online documentation

You can get in touch with David Raj on LinkedIn.

Lunch Time!!

After the two sessions we were all bit tired with loads of knowledge given to us. Now it was time for give something to our stomach. We all headed for our lunch. Lunch means Pizzas at GDG! That heavenly box will make you say that I must come for GDG again! 😆

Kahoot game!!

After lunch it was time for kahoot quiz. This packs so much of fun for us always. We had two quiz rounds and overall 10 winners from both the games.

Session 3

It was time to call the final speaker for the day Rishabh Singh who spoke about “Understanding Docker & Kubernetes with TEKTON”.

Rishabh Singh in action

What do I say about his lecture. The topic which he was covering was new to me and moreover after lunch what could you expect? A nice sleep in middle of the lecture, am i right? No, it was a different story this time. He started by making some jokes and with a great smile on his face, he started of with saying about docker and why he loves docker. He explained with a scenario of doing a project. You send your code to your friend and he will be like, “It’s not working” and the response will be like “Arey!! How it’s possible it was working in my laptop”. Code written on one PC will have certain parameters like ports, sockets and other things which needs to be changed in each system in order for it to work. And that is why Docker helps. You put it inside a container and send it to someone and it works. He also said how he fell in love with docker, just by seeing the beautiful logo! I didn’t find it so beautiful before he mentioned it 😝. He came here with 3 slides and spoke for about a hour. Explaining various use case and scenarios where docker is useful. He also spoke about Kubernetes, which manages docker containers. And that was cool! It was evident that the common developer stereotypes like no space, not working, need to setup something, blah blah blah can be avoided with Docker and Kubernetes.

So in short containers are a way of packaging software. What makes them special is that when you run a container, you know exactly how it will run — it’s predictable, repeatable and immutable. There are no unexpected errors when you move it to a new machine, or between environments. All of your application’s code, libraries, and dependencies are packed together in the container as an immutable artifact. You can think of running a container like running a virtual machine, without the overhead of spinning up an entire operating system. For this reason, bundling your application in a container vs. a virtual machine will improve startup time significantly. The topic which he covered is given below.

  • Build and Deploy Containers with Docker
  • Manage Containers with Kubernetes (Wait, Doesn’t Docker do Container Management? 😮)
  • Using Docker with Kubernetes.

It was great Listening him. He is Also 3rd year Srm Student😍.It was already 7:30 and people were still ready to listen him. And that’s it about this session. Here is Rishabh’s profile on LinkedIn.


After his session it was time distribute some goodies for the challenges. So we had 10 winners for Kahoot quiz and 9 for Twitter’s most influencing posts and personalities. And yay! I was one among the Twitter challenge winner 😊

What next? Ah, how can I forget swags 😀. So yes, we received some swags and cool goodies.

Hold no! No event is complete without taking some pictures. So here are some pictures from Google I/O 2019 extended Chennai by GDG Chennai??

I Would like the thank all the organising team as well as all the volunteers for conducting Such event. Saikiran Sondarkar, Teja Kummarikuntla, Syed Rafi, Mani kandan, Varun Raj, Abhishek Mishra, Karan. But we missed you Somasundaram Mahesh. Hope you enjoyed I/O 2019 at Mountain View. 😃

With lot of knowledge and swags, ofcourse meeting the community people, this day was so amazing and thanks to GDG Chennai, ITM Institutes, Altimetrik and the hosts!

It’s time say bye and let me end my blog with a good quote for you!

Biology is the most powerful technology ever created. DNA is software, protein are hardware, cells are factories.

