What is Fnplus, and how can we help in realizing your dreams

Abhishek Uniyal
Fnplus Club
Published in
6 min readFeb 19, 2019
Your Personal Growth Story Starts Here

What is Fnplus?

Fnplus’s vision is to inspire a lifelong love of learning by making learning more fun, fruitful and rewarding. We do this using our own self-paced, AI-powered platform, which helps people to learn by doing and gain 21st-century skills like critical thinking, problem-solving, collaboration, and creativity. We connect with businesses for the selection, hiring, engagement, and learning of employees, thereby creating a productivity-friendly learning culture.

Our platform uses well-researched learning techniques like project-based learning, which promotes the following:

  1. Learn using a curated list of customized resources for you.
  2. Share what you learn with others in the community.
  3. Jam together on problems and solutions in meetups.
  4. Create something you’re proud of with projects.
  5. Work with startups/enterprises and get hired!
Learn, Share, Jam, Create, Work

Why do we exist?

We aim to solve the current problems of a learner who is willing to learn in-demand technologies and gain the most important skills required in the industry. Here’s how we can help:

NASSCOM Future Skills Report

1) Curated resources based on your learning goals

The power of the Internet has made it blazing fast and easy to search for resources on the web, but whom to trust? Googling “Data Science” will find courses from numerous e-learning platforms, and you’ll be wondering which to choose. Every course online boasts about providing a certificate of completion, which you can conveniently put in your LinkedIn profile, but which one should you be going for? How to choose which course to take?

What we’ve found is that the best online courses/resources don’t make it to the top search results. Course creators like Tyler McGinnis, who is also a Google Developer Expert for Web Technologies creator of Udacity’s React Nanodegree, have their own linear, project-based approach for learning JavaScript. These courses are highly rated and provide a strong foundation for learners, and we aim to reach out to such content providers and get them on our platform.

2) Customized learning and guidance based on your preferences

Everyone is different, and they have their own unique ways to learn. With our research, we’ve found that some learners want to learn alone, some of them in groups, some of them like to watch videos, and some of them like to learn by doing. Students/Learners are always looking for guidance on what to learn next.

What’s more, platforms like StackOverFlow are great for asking questions but have their own sets of problems. We’ve observed that users often complain about inadequate answers, which may take a considerable amount of time. Some of them don’t even get unanswered! Our platform incentivizes domain experts to help learners and provide all the help they need.

3) Motivation and support in learning

We all have been there; You sign up for a MOOC thinking this would help us get better and increase our chances to stand out from others, but it doesn’t work. A recent study by academics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology found that online courses had an astronomical dropout rate of about 96 percent on average over five years.

Signing up for a MOOC generally does not require an investment in time or resources; however, successfully achieving one’s goals requires, at a minimum, that the learner participates in the course and doing so, we assume, is an indicator of motivation. A drastic decrease in learners’ participation occurs in most cases as these platforms lack attention to motivational design principles, which may lead to decreased learner motivation and engagement.

4) Meet Geekfolio: Your new resume of verified skills

Okay, now you’ve got yourself skilled and are ready to get the job of your dreams. Congratulations! You have done the work, and now its the recruiter’s job to see and be amazed by your talent and problem-solving skills, right? But oftentimes, skilled people have to go through the same application process as others.

A lot of people will suggest building your brand on platforms like LinkedIn, but it's not easy for everyone, especially if you stand by your work, not what you write in a post. We aim to solve this showcasing problem by letting learners concentrate on what they do best instead of focusing on how to market themselves. Your work would stand for yourself, capturing all the essential skills needed for you to get hired.

Source: https://www.ced.org/blog/entry/which-skills-are-most-important-on-the-job-and-which-skills-are-in-short-su

5) Easy subscriptions every month, easy on your pocket

You finally made up your mind, took a leave of absence from your job and allocated 8–12 weeks to get yourself skilled in Machine Learning or Data Science. The average price of a specialized course ranges from ~80K to 300K covering standard features like mentoring, capstone projects, and placement support which means one has to think long & hard before investing their money in any of these platforms.

During our research with learners, we found 96% of people want to explore more than one technology when they mean to learn or look for a change of careers. This means an active learner wants the same guidance and support while exploring new technologies but cannot necessarily pay for every specialization. With Fnplus, a simple community membership gets you the guidance and support you need to explore any technology of choice.

Why do we call ourselves a community?

We came up with the idea of community learning from college. We usually hate studying for exams because they use formative assessments, which don’t capture the individual’s actual knowledge in the subject and instead values individuals who write better answers on a sheet of paper. But, passing exams is important otherwise your parents would be mad it would be even more annoying to give the exams again.

Ready to begin your personal growth story?

During these times, friends came to the rescue by forming a study group where we used to divide the topics that needed to be learned, prepare for the allocated topics individually and then discuss what we learned in the end. The practising group study approach helped everyone to learn better while not being overwhelmed by the syllabus. This led us to follow a community approach to learning in our platform as well.

A learning community is a group of people who share common academic goals and attitudes, who meet semi-regularly to collaborate on classwork. This leads to active participation in meaningful and planned service experiences in the community that are directly related to course content, including personal opinions, asking for help or specific information and sharing stories of events with a particular issue, including emotional experiences.

Community psychologists such as McMillan and Chavis (1986) state that there are four key factors that define a sense of community: “(1) membership, (2) influence, (3) fulfillment of individuals needs and (4) shared events and emotional connections.

In all, we can summarise that a community gives:

  • A sense of achievement/recognition.
  • A sense of status/exclusiveness.
  • A sense of belonging with similar-minded people.

Who are fn+geeks?

An Active Learner

A geek is defined as someone who is very interested in a particular subject and knows a lot about it.

We curate individuals passionate about technology and turn them into lifelong learners inculcating a growth mindset. They learn to love the art of problem-solving and critical thinking with their skills.

Are you ready to begin your learning journey? Apply Now!



Abhishek Uniyal
Fnplus Club

Software Engineer, Blogger, FIRE Enthusiast, Open Source. Open to gigs: abhishekuniyal.dev