Funds of Focal: Matt Chandler, Octopus Ventures

Jack Richardson
Focal Demo Day
Published in
3 min readJul 12, 2023

Welcome! We’re kickstarting our blog with a series of introductions to our partner VCs.

By providing these brief introductions, we aim to familiarise you with the funds that make Focal tick, which forms part of our master plan to make the fundraising process exponentially more transparent and accessible.

Throughout this series, we’ll give you the inside track on our partner VCs, share with you their backgrounds and instil learnings from the wider industry. With this in mind, it’s time to meet the individuals we’re lucky enough to call our partners!

Meet Matt Chandler, Principal at Octopus Ventures.

Octopus Ventures is a powerhouse firm that looks to make a positive impact by backing pioneers who want to change the world.

Matt ended up at Octopus Ventures ‘seven years after first applying’ with them. Their first response was ‘to go and get some more experience.’ He then co-founded Mojo (a consumer SaaS platform for the beauty and wellness industry) and spent three years working at the consumer investment and innovation firm, True.

What’s the fund’s investment strategy?

Octopus has a strong investment structure which, as Matt puts it, concerns ‘meaningful investments early in a company lifecycle (either Seed or Series A).’

Octopus has been investing in UK companies since 2007, taking an active stance to have a representative portfolio, backing the best and calibrating equity. More specifically, their investment strategy covers consumer, fintech, health, software, and deep tech, with specialist ‘pods’ focusing on each.

A recent investment Matt’s excited about

Partly, a business that is building the world’s central protocol for used car parts.

Partly’s aim is to provide a global platform for replacement parts, starting with the auto parts industry, helping to accelerate the world towards a more sustainable future where waste is eliminated, and replacement parts are universally searchable, accessible, and available.

Octopus not only measures its success through the lens of profit, but also believes that doing ‘good’ is a component of success

The Partly team

Why does Matt choose to partner with Focal?

“All platforms of benefit to the early-stage ecosystem should be supported, but this is a particularly open and transparent one.”

Which entrepreneur(s) does Matt most admire?

Saasha Celestial-One and Tessa Clarke, two individuals that have a strong sustainable mission. Their business, OLIO, has a bold mission to connect people in an effort to tackle the issue of food waste, relying on the bonds of community.

Favourite member of the Focal team, and why?

“Taos — worked with him at True. Imposing stature and achievement yet is as calm as a cucumber.”

