5 Ways Your Donation Helps W.O.L.F. Sanctuary

Dalton Prejeant
FoCo Now
Published in
5 min readSep 19, 2021

The W.O.L.F (Wolves Offered Life and Friendship) Sanctuary, located near Bellevue, CO is currently home to 29 wolves and wolf dogs. Not being open to the public, the Sanctuary relies on volunteer help and donations to help promote a happy and healthy life for their animal residents.

(Short video overviewing WO.L.F. Sanctuary) Video Courtesy: Wolfsanctuaryco Youtube Page

Helps W.O.L.F move to their dream location.

Photo Courtesy of W.O.L.F. Sanctuary Website
(Mountain view of W.O.L.F. Sanctuary’s new location near Red Feather Lakes, CO.) Photo Courtesy: W.O.L.F. Sanctuary Website

The current location in which the sanctuary is situated has become unfit for the wolves. They deserve a more fitting location near the Red Feather Lakes in Northern Colorado. The sanctuary needs $3 million to accomplish their goals.

The organization has already collected nearly $1.7 million for their efforts from over 900 donors so far. Moving locations would mean easier access to the property for employees and staff members. The biggest benefit of the relocation would be the ability to open the sanctuary to the general public.

“Our new sanctuary would mean for the first time in our existence, WOLF will be open to the public where our supporters can learn firsthand about the animals within our care and the challenges of the exotic pet industry,” said Jessica Kole, W.O.L.F.’s Director of Development and Fundraising regarding the relocation efforts.

For More information on the W.O.L.F. move visit their Help Us Move Page.

Attending Events and Fundraisers to Support The Sanctuary

W.O.L.F. hosts an annual fundraising gala. This year’s event took place August 21st in Fort Collins. The event was called “Northern Lights and Lobos.” The organization raises money through ticket sales, special item auctions, a paddle raiser and more.

The gala also hosts a special VIP speaker, usually within the field of wolf conservation. This past year’s speaker was Rick McIntyre, one of the most celebrated experts in the field, who has worked with the Yellowstone Wolf Project for the past 24 years.

(Current wolf-dog resident Zakai looking out over his encloser.) Photo Courtesy: W.O.L.F.’s Facebook page

“We also participate in an annual Colorado Gives Day event where anyone from anywhere can join the state’s matching incentive program, and host multiple mini online fundraisers each year for necessary initiatives/items that we need at the Sanctuary,” Jessica said.

For more information about W.O.L.F. events visit their Events Page.

Volunteers Are Critical To W.O.L.F.’s Mission

Volunteers are an integral part of the sanctuary and its mission. These volunteers help keep the doors open to the sanctuary. Help is needed every day, 365 days a year. Volunteers perform routine duties like on-site assistance, preparing food, property maintenance, enrichment and other daily essential activities.

“We rely very heavily on volunteer support, we couldn’t operate without them!” Jessica said.

To work as a volunteer at W.O.L.F. you must be 18 years of age, be able to commit to a minimum of two work sessions per month (min. of 12 hours), work outside in a variety of conditions and elements, respect the animals and participate in all different aspects of the sanctuary. The sanctuary operates 24/7.

(A volunteer for W.O.L.F. helps feed the residents of the sanctuary.) Photo Courtesy: W.O.L.F. Sanctuary Website

In addition, volunteers help in the organization and coordination of fundraising events. They also assist in the running of educational programs.

For more information on volunteering for the W.O.L.F. sanctuary visit their Volunteer Page.

Animal Health Care

(Current resident Akela standing mightily in his enclosure.) Photo courtesy of WOLF Sanctuary Facebook Page

The health and care of the animals are one of the biggest necessities for the sanctuary. By donating to this organization, it helps ensure that the wolves in the facility get the care they need. The hope is once the sanctuary has moved and opened to the public, they can have an on-site veterinary facility.

For now, the donations help routine vet checks to ensure a healthy life for the wolves. It also includes medication and healthcare items that can start to accumulate high price tags for the non-profit organization.

“Caring for 30 wolf dogs at one time can be very expensive, especially if their health becomes compromised.,” Jessica said.

According to AKC (American Kennel Club), the lifetime of a large-sized dog can cost an average of $14, 480, with an expected average of 10 years of life. Alone, the sanctuary currently cares for 29 wolves.

For more information regarding ways to donate for Care and Health visit W.O.L.F. Donation Page.

Provides The Necessary Funds For Educational Programs

By donating to the organization, W.O.L.F. can craft and build educational programs for the public. It allows for the organization to make connections to the public and build awareness.

One of the biggest stigmas behind wolves is the lack of education and propaganda from anti-wolf organizations. From mass media to news, wolves have been cast in a negative light and W.O.L.F. aims to derail these previous notions and advocate for the misunderstood species.

“We couldn’t continue our mission of Rescue, Sanctuary, and Education without the support of our donors,” Jessica said.

Through their educational programs, W.O.L.F covers wolf biology and ecology. It also covers their behavioral patterns citing the reintroduction of wolves in Yellowstone National Park in the ’90s as means to illustrate the role of wolves in the ecosystem.

(Educational program WOLF runs with anecdotal elements.) Photo courtesy of W.O.L.F Sanctuary Website

W.O.L.F. uses interactive anecdotal elements to help illustrate the lives of the wolves in their care. On special occasions and at certain venues within 60 miles of Fort Collins, an ambassador (a.k.a a wolf dog) will accompany the educators on their trip. Their hope is to create an enjoyable learning experience for everyone of all ages.

For more information or interest in reserving and education visit W.O.L.F.’s Education page.

