6 Ways you can help Fort Collins reach its climate change goal

SooJin Skarajunsky
FoCo Now
Published in
4 min readSep 20, 2021
Photo by City of Fort Collins, CO on Flickr

Put in place in 2015, Fort Collins’ climate action plan aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 20% and 80% in 2020 and 2030, respectively, based on what they were in 2005. The ultimate goal of the plan is carbon neutrality, which means to “achieve net zero emissions”, by 2050. Reaching carbon neutrality in the next three decades will take a lot of work from everyone in the community, even you. While that may seem daunting, a lot of simple switches in your life can help make that goal possible. Here are some tips on how you can reduce your carbon footprint and help Fort Collins reach its climate action plan goal.

1. Start at the beginning

Photo by ccPixs.com on Flickr

This carbon footprint calculator is a free and easy way to calculate your personal carbon footprint. Your carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gasses, including carbon dioxide, that are emitted from your actions. Your carbon footprint is effected by everything you do from taking a shower to grabbing a cheeseburger. Knowing how your actions effect your carbon footprint is a great start in figuring out how best to reduce it.

2. On the road, again

Photo by City of Fort Collins, CO on Flickr

One of the greatest contributors to carbon emissions is motor transportation, regardless of where you live. In Fort Collins alone, carbon emissions from vehicles have increased 6% since 2005. Some easy ways to help alleviate this issue are to carpool, walk when possible or ride a bike. Biking is a free, healthy and environmentally friendly mode of transportation and there are many trails that are bike friendly within Fort Collins. Public transportation, such as Fort Collins’ system, Transfort, has many routes that travel around the city and conveniently wallet-friendly priced tickets for those that don’t qualify for a free ride.

3. Flip the switch

Photo by Dean Hochman on Flickr

While Fort Collins has done a great job of decreasing the rate of carbon emissions from electricity use since 2005, the amount of carbon emissions related to electrical use is still high. Simple changes in habits like making sure your lights and electronics are off can help lessen your electrical carbon footprint. Switching your lights to LEDs is an easy and very effective way to help reduce your carbon footprint as LED lights use 85% less energy than incandescent bulbs, and last longer too. With the cool morning temperatures and burning heat during the day currently in Fort Collins, having a thermostat that is programmable helps eliminate wasted energy as well as the waste of money on bills.

4. From backyard to belly

Photo by matthannon on Flickr

The transportation of food to from farm to store greatly contributes to carbon emissions. A great way to reduce your carbon footprint through the food you eat is to start at the source: buy your food local when possible. Fortunately, Fort Collins has many community supported agriculture (CSA) farms that allow citizens to buy their produce from directly from local farmers. Another convenient way to reduce the emissions of the transportation of food is to grow your own produce. Mulberry Community Gardens in Fort Collins offers great opportunities for people to grow connections with others in the community while they grow delicious produce.

5. Mooving on from beef and dairy

Photo by USDAgov on Flickr

Another effective way of lessening your carbon footprint is reducing the amount of meat and dairy in your diet. Meat production, specifically beef production, greatly contributes to the amount of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere, such as methane, which is more detrimental than carbon. While it is definitely easier said than done, reducing the amount of meat and dairy intake you have in your diet will decrease your carbon footprint. Luckily, there are many great restaurants in Fort Collins that have strictly vegetarian menus, or vegetarian and vegan options, for those that are strong enough to stray away from the comfort of a cheeseburger.

6. For real: reduce, reuse, recycle

Photo by pixeljones on Flickr

While many of us may want to throw out our unwanted goods — an ex’s hoodie, an old water bottle, a dead plant — there are more environmentally conscious options than sending them to the landfill. There are many amazing thrift stores in Fort Collins that will take unwanted materials that are in good condition. A great option in Fort Collins, Eco-Thrift, offers donation and recycling options for clothes, furniture, etc. while keeping goods out of the landfill. Another great way to reduce your emissions via waste is to compost food. Yard composts are very easy to set up and reduce your trash bills. If pursuing a DIY compost bin is not for you, there are many companies in Fort Collins that offer composing services.

