Who Needs Peace and Quiet Anyway? Here’s Why Productive Students Study in Noisy Coffee Shops.

And you should too, Fort Collins!

Kaylee Pierskalla
FoCo Now
8 min readSep 25, 2021


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Fort Collins coffee shops are my study sanctuary. They are my home away from home — a nice alternative to the one where I reside 40 minutes away in Longmont, Colorado.

I find beauty in the busiest of shops. The soothing hum of clattering dishes drowns out my anxious thoughts. Those familiar voices of strangers I have never officially met calm my test-related stress. That pumpkin spice latte I find myself compulsively ordering every fall day soothes my midterm blues.

For a Colorado State University student, my study habits aren’t uncommon. The abundance of patron-packed coffee shops in the college town of Fort Collins alone accentuates that successful university students, and people of all nature of work and study across the globe, are no strangers to a cafe workstyle.

But why are bustling and vibrant coffee shops superior study zones to calm and tranquil libraries? Research supports this coffee-coated phenomenon. It has been found that studying in a lively coffee shop boosts productivity, inspires creativity and enhances cognitive alertness.

So here’s why you should skip the silence of a library and embrace the noisy ambiance of a local coffee shop when studying for this midterm season.

The Cafe Trio: Coffee, Community and Communication

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With the whirring of espresso machines, the constant stream of acoustic music pouring out overhead and the endless chatter between strangers it’s easy to write off coffee shops as another distracting environment.

But did you know that those chatterbox Karens, and Karls, can actually boost your productivity?

Researchers at Missouri State University found that it’s easier to retain information and remain motivated when working in a social environment. In this 2013 study, 57 percent of students reported that working in a social environment not only strengthened their sense of community, but it enhanced their critical thinking abilities. This made solving a few comprehensive questions, which they struggled with when working alone, a breeze.

Working in a social environment boosts productivity and retention. However, libraries are social environments too. They are filled to the top shelf with students, book worms and librarians all hard at work. So why is it still better to study in a buzzing coffee shop instead of a peer-packed library?

The cafe sign outside the Alley Cat Cafe invites customers in on Sept. 11. Photo by Kaylee Pierskalla.

Colorado State University student, Olivia Thompson, knows the answer. She found herself in pursuit of the perfect Fort Collins study zone when her summer class was banished to an online and COVID-19 safe setup. A scenario that left her studying at the Alley Cat Coffee House every single day.

“The thing is when I study at the Alley Cat I am never alone. Over the break, there were always other people there working on summer classes. The sense of community there is what motivates me to do my classwork,” Thompson said.

When Thompson studied at the university library she found an isolating narrative. She said it was harder to concentrate in the expected silence of a library setting. The lack of communication she felt sitting alone in there made interacting with her friends on social media more tempting.

On the other hand, she said when she studied at the Alley Cat Cafe the open conversations held around her fulfilled her social needs. Thompson said she only checked her phone for the time when she studied in a coffee community.

Procrastination, Who Me? Not in This Coffee Shop.

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It’s also harder to procrastinate in an environment that is not customary to you, like a cafe.

Think about it, when you’re working at home it’s easy to get swept up in the little things. I mean, who else is going to wash that lone dish that’s been sitting in the sink since midnight? Who else is going to eat the last slice of Krazy Karl’s pizza that is waiting patiently in the kitchen fridge, if not you?

The many unknowns of a coffee shop environment boosts productivity by eliminating familiar distractions. Thompson discovered this coffee shop reality firsthand over the summer semester.

“When I’m at home I can easily take a nap, mess around with my friends or go on my phone. For me, to stay productive this summer, I needed a change of environment from what I would normally be doing at my apartment. I found that it was easier to study at the Alley Cat because everything was so unfamiliar there,” she said.

The coffee shop world takes you out of your ordinary. You travel to a place where your usual-suspect distractions and temptations are out of sight and mind making the coffee shop environment the perfect procrastination roadblock and onramp for productivity.

A Mug O’ Creativity

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Coffee shop atmospheres nurture creativity through their subtle background hubbub.

Researchers at The University of Illinois found that a bit of background noise, 70 decibels to be exact, does a creative mind good. In this study, researchers found that moderate levels of background noise led to higher processing abilities among individuals. This resulted in increased levels of abstract thought processing and sparked creative problem-solving strategies for study participants.

“If I’m in a quiet environment I get distracted by the silence. Even when I study alone, I need music to focus and think creatively,” Thompson said when asked why she preferred to study in the Alley Cat Cafe over the CSU Morgan library last summer.

The ambient background noise of bustling coffee shops can help get your creative juices flowing to start that next essay off right.

An inside look of the creative interior design in the Alley Cat Cafe on Sept. 11. Photo by Kaylee Pierskalla.

There’s also something to be said about an environment’s interior design. It’s easier to think outside the box when you’re engulfed by a bright atmosphere. I find the creative motivation I need to complete class assignments in the natural light, peculiar light fixtures and colorful walls of Fort Collins’ coffee shops.

Thompson said that the artistic interior design of the Alley Cat Cafe was one of the main reasons she started studying in coffee shops. She mentioned that it was hard for her to draw inspiration from the white walls of the Morgan Library, but she couldn’t help but feel inspired by the hand-painted ceiling of the Alley Cat Cafe.

If you’re a Fort Collins resident who is looking to draw inspiration from a unique coffee experience check out these five “uniquely Fort Collins” coffee shops!

10 Minutes Alone With a Latte

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In this modern world of constant digital deadlines, even a short 10-minute coffee break sounds like a waste of precious time. Besides, many of us would rather spend those 10 minutes catching up with the Kardashians on Instagram than idly unplugged with a cup of coffee.

Researchers at Cornell University discovered that taking frequent 10-minute study breaks helps you feel less distracted from the work at hand. This study found that taking frequent study breaks helps you focus on your work, revitalizes your body, refreshes your mind and enhances productivity.

Researchers at Rutgers University warn against treating these frequent study breaks as an excuse to scroll through your social media platforms because this overstimulates the brain. Using those 10 minutes of your coffee break to chat up friendly baristas, people watch or savor sips of espresso IRL (in real life) will boost your productivity.

The very act of drinking coffee during your breaks has its academic benefits. Scientists found that consuming 200 milligrams of caffeine a day (about one medium cup of coffee) increases cognitive alertness, memory retention and problem-solving abilities.

Caffeine consumption enhances memorization skills, problem-solving abilities, concentration and other brain-stimulating functions that are useful when studying for rigorous exams.

What better place to unplug for 10 minutes and drink espresso than a caffeine-packed coffee shop?

Don’t Sleep on Solo Study Sessions

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While studying in lively coffee communities offers many advantages, having a solo study session in a controlled, peaceful and familiar environment has its benefits too.

I know that bustling coffee shops aren’t for everyone. In a world where comfort is the number one ingredient to any successful study session, it’s important to prioritize personal preferences and avoid uncomfortable situations.

If you find The Alley Cat Cafe overstimulating, explore one of Fort Collins’ local libraries for your next study destination. If unfamiliar crowds aren’t your thing, embrace the many benefits of working from home.

There is also such a thing as too much coffee. Clinical studies reveal that drinking seven cups of coffee a day increases your risk of developing heart diseases, is associated with mineral deficiencies and reduces your body’s calcium levels leaving you at a higher risk for bone fractures.

Remember, while coffee can enhance cognitive functions it is important to consume caffeine in moderation. Drinking seven pumpkin spice lattes in one sitting is probably not the best idea.

The Final Scoop…

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Cappuccino or cold brew. Team coffee shop study or team solo home study. Whatever your drink or study preference, here are six tips to crush this fall’s midterm season or conquer any pressing work responsibilities.

  • Work in an environment that best suits your learning style.
  • Immerse yourself in beneficial social interactions whenever you can.
  • Cherish creativity-boosting background noise.
  • Unplug from your device, take frequent (coffee) breaks and live offline every once in a while.
  • Drink espresso to ace that test(o).
  • Take advantage of the unique coffee communities across Fort Collins during your next study session.

