Getting You Started

Kinneir Dufort
Focus by Kinneir Dufort
2 min readNov 1, 2018


Towards a plastic(less) planet

Sustainability is an overwhelming challenge and it can be tough to know where to start.

We’ve created three different types of challenge areas that focus on exploring the opportunity. They bring clarity at the front end of innovation and enable progression towards a market ready solution. We use Design Thinking Sprints that enable the challenge to be broken down into practical and manageable steps, to enable agility and speed.

Three types of challenges to discover, define and frame what’s possible


Alternative materials: How might we consider alternatives to plastic, whilst still delivering a compelling brand experience?

We investigate what’s out there, in and out of category and hunt for new technology and materials. We build ideas collaboratively with you to envisage what’s possible and get real quickly with stimulus.


New behaviours & business models: How might we explore new systems and business models, to move away from single use plastics?

We generate early hypotheses on potential barriers to changing behaviour. We inspire change with future potential scenarios and synthesize into clear directions. Co-creation brings ideas to life and are evolved and refined for you to take back into the business to enable decisions on next steps.


New product: How might we reimagine the total product format to create a sustainability game-changer in the category?

We explore and immerse into a wide range of formats in and out of category for inspiration. We define the potential to elevate an experience and generate ideas for the most promising touchpoints. We co-create to explore, learn and play with believable demonstration models. Routes demonstrating potential are evolved and refined into believable products and packs.

Hear more from Head of Strategy, Kelly Dawson, as she discusses topics including:



Kinneir Dufort
Focus by Kinneir Dufort

We focus on designing a better world; creating value through tomorrow’s products and experiences.