How To Install Wallet Connect and Connect It To FODL Finance

Published in
2 min readJan 14, 2022

FODL Finance has just announced that they integrated WalletConnect into their platform! Which is amazing news. this integration will increase the potential for institutional investors to use FODL, with a potential resulting uptick in TVL and visibility. But how do you install WalletConnect and use it on FODL? That’s what I’ll be discussing today!

Installing WalletConnect

The first step of downloading and installing WalletConnect is to go to

Click on the ‘’Get Started’’ button and sign up with an email and a strong password. Confirm your email

You’ve now set up WalletConnect.

Connecting with MetaMask

WalletConnect isn’t a wallet by itself, it’s just a safer tool to use for a wide variety of wallets. Including MetaMask! To connect your MetaMask with WalletConnect on FODL you’ll need to also have MetaMask on your phone.

Because when you try to connect on Fodl with WalletConnect you either have to option to use the QR Code (Which is for MetaMask) or click on desktop and pick any of these:

So, to connect with MetaMask you have to go on the MetaMask app on your mobile phone and click on the top-right corner to scan the QR code on your desktop, sign the message and you’re done! You’ve now successfully connected your MetaMask on your phone with WalletConnect on your desktop and you can use Fodl Finance with ease.

If you need something more visual you can watch this video. It’s for Wanchain so ignore that, but it does show how to use WalletConnect with MetaMask on your phone!

