How to participate in Fodl DAO votes

The goal of FODL is the be completely decentralized, which means the community has the most to say about the project. Here’s where DAO votes come into play, let your voice be heard!

3 min readFeb 12, 2022


So what exactly does it mean to vote in a DAO? What is a DAO?

A DAO is a decentralized autonomous organization. It is a member-owned community without centralized leadership. So no CEO decides what’s done with the team's money or who can make bad decisions on their own.

At FODL, this is what we’re working towards. And this is where proposals come into play! Everyone in the community can make a proposal, or vote on one. You vote with your FODL. So the more FODL you have, the more you have to say. It’s a beautiful structure and if you have a good proposal, even a small fish can make a big difference!

So how do you vote?

The first thing you need to do is head over here.

This is what you’ll see! You can see there are some proposals active at the moment. What we need to do now is connect our wallet in the top right corner.

Choose your wallet of choice, i’ll use MetaMask

Then you can pick any proposal you like, I’ll take proposal 4 as an example.

As you can see here there is always a good description available about what the proposal is about, make sure your read that carefully! You can see the start and end date on the right, and the current results. Right now it seems that Maren will not join FODL as a Social Media Advisor.

So if you want to vote on this it’s very simple.

Scroll down to where it says ‘’Cast your vote’’ and click the option you like and hit the vote button!

You then see what your voting power is, since all my FODL is over at matic I can’t vote here. So if you have any FODL on ETH (Normal FODL, in an LP or in the Rari Pool 127) you can vote!

It’s that simple.

If you support the vision of FODL, make sure you vote on proposals! It’s the transparent way to go about things and makes us a true DAO.

I hope this was of help and see you in the FODL discord!

