We are resilient, together we will resist

by Friends of the Earth President Erich Pica

Friends of the Earth
Friends of the Earth Newsmagazine


It is difficult to fathom the impact that this election will have on the fabric of our country and our efforts to save the planet.

Donald Trump has tapped into the deepest and darkest fears in our country and exploited them. He also tapped into a deep resentment about the governing establishment and both the Democratic and Republican parties.

So now we have a choice: Do we lie down in the face of Trump’s authoritarian populism of hate and greed? Or do we fight even harder for Bernie Sanders’s progressive populism of justice and equality?

I give you my word that Friends of the Earth is ready for the fight.

Follow us on Twitter to find out more about our plan.

Make no mistake — this will be a long and painful four years. But we have fought hostile administrations before.

Sixteen years ago when faced with the election of President Bush, the environmental community used the courts and the Senate filibuster, watchdogged political appointees and galvanized the public to take action. We blocked the most egregious attacks on the environment.

We will take these same actions against President-elect Trump to protect the gains we’ve won for clean air, clean water and safe food.

Like us on Facebook to take action for the health of our collective environment.

As we seek positive momentum, we are going to look locally and to states for action, corporate campaigning for substantive change, bipartisan congressional approaches like our Green Scissors campaign where we can, and building a larger movement to move a positive agenda forward.

And we will have to fight like hell to protect everything else.

Help build the movement to stop attacks on people and the planet.

After coming together to stop the Keystone XL pipeline, save bees, fight GMOs and shut down coal and nuclear plants, the environmental movement is more fired up than we have ever been. While I wish we had a different fight before us, we must fight the reality presented to us. Our planet depends on it.

In hope, solidarity and strength,

Warm Regards,

Erich Pica,

Read our fall newsmagazine here that features updates from the campaigns we’re running to create a healthier and just world.

Fall newsmagazine cover image by Josette Matoto. Read more here.



Friends of the Earth
Friends of the Earth Newsmagazine

Friends of the Earth U.S. defends the environment and champions a healthy and just world. www.foe.org